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Support for parameterless queryParams in JerseyUriBuilder #4906

Open pakoito opened 2 years ago

pakoito commented 2 years ago

We have URIs encoded as ?key=value&flag&key2=value, where you can see that flag has no value.

In the current implementation of JerseyUriBuilder these are not allowed

We would like for Jersey to please support this feature, as it's frequently used by JS frontends as defined by rfc3986.

winie commented 2 years ago

@pakoito Are you already working on the feature? If not, I can develop the feature. I just have to ask my manager beforehand if I can devote working hours to this issue. If yes, I can take care of that.

pakoito commented 2 years ago

I am not working on it and it's bitten us already once more, so happy that you do it :D

winie commented 2 years ago

Resteasy behaves the same way. If no values ​​are passed, the array is empty. Thus, the for loop is never executed.

If I understand the code correctly.

winie commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, the behavior discussed here is not described in the specification:,java.lang.Object...)