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"MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/xml" error preventing upgrade from 2.32 to 2.33 #5670

Open jluehe opened 1 month ago

jluehe commented 1 month ago

We are currently running with Jersey 2.32 and trying to upgrade to latest version. However, trying to upgrade to 2.33 already gives an error:

org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.WriterInterceptorExecutor[] [...] MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/xml, type=class test.framework.common.pojos.TestResults, genericType=class test.framework.common.pojos.TestResults.

I have looked at the delta between versions 2.32 and 2.33 (, but don't see anything obvious that could be causing this error.

There are no other changes.

Any ideas?

senivam commented 1 month ago

Do you have


dependency in your classpath? If you use JDK 11+ there should be also





jluehe commented 1 month ago

Thank you, @senivam, for your reply!

Yes, I do have the following (we are using JDK 17):

I do not have com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-osgi though. Is it required? As I said, everything works fine with 2.32, it is only when I upgrade to 2.33 that I get the error ...

senivam commented 1 month ago

I hope, in reality, you have not 2.32 as is the previous version you are migrating from.

could you please supply the output of the mvn dependency:tree for the module you are having error with?

jluehe commented 1 month ago

I am upgrading all Jersey artifacts at the same time, so yes, as part of the upgrade, I am bumping to 2.33 as well.

Will supply the dependency tree shortly ...