eclipse-ee4j / mojarra-jsf-extensions

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Facelets: No element found error #83

Closed glassfishrobot closed 16 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

A couple Woodstock users are reporting issues with JSF Extensions and facelets. It's not clear if the underlying issue is due to JSF Extensions or not, but the com_sun_faces_ajax.js is generating the error below. This error is in regard to the auto-validate feature of the Woodstock TextField, which uses JSF Extensions to validate asynchronously. In this scenario, an id and valid property is returned to indicate the success of the JSF validator.

"Mozilla error console reports:

Error: no element found Source File: http://localhost:8080/gesif/clientes/entrada/plantillas/alta.jsf Line: 1, Column: 158 Source Code:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ (There **is** a component named 'plantillas:clienteid' ) And Error: I has no properties Source File: [http://localhost:8080/gesif/theme/META-INF/com_sun_faces_ajax.js](http://localhost:8080/gesif/theme/META-INF/com_sun_faces_ajax.js) Line: 1" #### Environment Operating System: All Platform: Sun #### Affected Versions [current]
glassfishrobot commented 5 years ago
glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Reported by danl

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented danl said: Created an attachment (id=21) E-mail discussion

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented danl said: Added e-mail discussion. (Please ignore the Dojo comments.) As a workaround, one user apparently replaced their validatorExpression with . Another user simply dropped using facelets all together and switched to JSPs.

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented danl said: We just received an update from the user who reported the issue. It turns out not to be a bug at all, but a simple user error. I was finally able to reproduce the problem myself after removing the JSF Extensions ViewHandler from my web.xml file.

Steven Bell wrote:

I have found the enemy, and it is me!

So after moving to jsp pages I was getting the server side validation executing, but my client side updates were still not working.

I was starting to build a new clean web project in order to flesh out the problem when I noticed a few lines in the woodstock example apps web.xml that I didn't have.

I had:

faces javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet 1

In the woodstock example it was:

faces javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet javax.faces.LIFECYCLE_ID com.sun.faces.lifecycle.PARTIAL 1

So after a week of digging around it looks like the problem was right in front of my face. I'm not sure if there is still a problem with facelets regarding the issues I was having with action vs. actionExpression and getting the validators to work (as per my first message on this thread), but at least I can move forward now.

By the way the "I has no properties" error went away when I added the LIFECYCLE_ID to the servlet.

glassfishrobot commented 13 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented littlebunny said: I have been facing the issue , I am using Netbeans 6.7 and trying to use Ajax with it.I have installed JSF Extension (Ajax),dynamicFaces Library,set Parameters in web.xml but my Ajax Transaction is not performed.I have to call a js on a button click using Ajax but it is not working.It is working very fine in netbeans 6.1.Please Tell me if I am missing something or is there anything additional i have to do with netbeans 6.7 to make Ajax perform Transaction?

glassfishrobot commented 13 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @edburns said: Unfortunately, there are no plans for continuing development on the jsf-extensions project.

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented File: autoValidateProblem.txt Attached By: danl

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Was assigned to jsf-extensions-issues

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented This issue was imported from JIRA JSF_EXTENSIONS-83

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Marked as incomplete on Wednesday, October 31st 2007, 11:54:31 pm