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Cannot set null message property #165

Open glassfishrobot opened 12 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

MQ doesn't allow a message property to be null, despite this being permitted by the JMS 1.1 spec.

If you try to use message.setObjectProperty("foo",null) or setStringProperty("bar",null) to set a message property to null you will get a MessageFormatException.

However section 3.12 of the JMS 1.1 specification states "The JMS message interfaces provide write/set methods for setting object values in a message body and message properties. All of these methods must be implemented to copy their input objects into the message. The value of an input object is allowed to be null and will return null when accessed."

This applies to both the normal MQ client as well as a JMSRA client.

This is GLASSFISH-12564

Affected Versions


glassfishrobot commented 6 years ago
glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Reported by @nigeldeakin

glassfishrobot commented 11 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @amykang2020 said: Both client and broker changes are needed, too late for 5.0

glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Issue-Links: blocks GLASSFISH-12564

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented This issue was imported from JIRA MQ-165

pzygielo commented 2 months ago