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Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE
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Add Open Liberty as option for UI dev (with dev mode hot reload) #199

Closed scottkurz closed 1 year ago

scottkurz commented 1 year ago

Not trying to push Open Liberty on anybody, but I found it convenient to be able to use the hot reload in Liberty "dev mode", so am sharing that as an option for anyone else who find this useful.

It should have zero impact on anyone not using Liberty.

eclipse-starter-bot commented 1 year ago

Can one of the admins verify this patch?

m-reza-rahman commented 1 year ago

How important is this at the moment? Our currently chosen cloud hosting option is Azure App Service JBoss EAP 7.4/Java SE 11, so Liberty would only be valid for local development - not the cloud host. I think this is potentially confusing unless we feel we need to try to find another cloud hosting option that supports Liberty instead (which I don’t think is currently a high priority and possibly not so easy either; it took some doing to get the existing cloud hosting commitment).

scottkurz commented 1 year ago

Sorry, was only doing it thinking it wouldn't get in the way of the path for the hosted env. But let's not worry about it for now.

m-reza-rahman commented 1 year ago

OK. We could certainly revisit this in the future. We are technically not bound by a hosting choice.

scottkurz commented 1 year ago

For anyone still reading, no changes are really needed. (I didn't realize this was using EE 8 JSF). You can just run with:

mvn -DgenerateFeatures --file ui/pom.xml

and then use port 9080. (Would need extra config to use port 8080).