eclipse-ee4j / yasson

Eclipse Yasson project
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IllegalAccessException when using io.vertx.mutiny.core.buffer.Buffer as Request body #529

Open argenstijn opened 2 years ago

argenstijn commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug


All information including how to reproduce is stated over there

Verdent commented 2 years ago

Hi @argenstijn , I do not think this is a bug or even Yasson issue. What are you trying to use JSONB (Yasson in this case) for in your usecase? I do not see the reason for JSONB usage in this usecase, because how would it work?

JSONB is used for some specific class creation, such as class Animal, it will parse the obtained JSON and will produce the instance of the desired class filled with the parsed data. But how would it work with the Buffer? If I am not mistaken this Buffer will contain unhandled data for you to process. It feels kind of redundant in this case.

This means, there is no reason to use Yasson for this. I think this is more like Quarkus or Resteasy issue.

argenstijn commented 2 years ago

The Buffer contains a body which is a json (with jackson it works).

The issue was orginal posted in Quarkus Github but they said it's a Yasson error. I could investigate it more to figure out what is going wrong exactly.