eclipse-ee4j / yasson

Eclipse Yasson project
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Is Yasson still maintained? #641

Open rdehuyss opened 7 months ago

rdehuyss commented 7 months ago

I want to address the elephant in the room here and ask whether Yasson is still maintained...

Please don't take this the wrong way but important issues like #636, #637, #638 do not get any response and I wonder whether I should continue to support it in JobRunr.

t1 commented 1 month ago

I can't give an official answer to this question, but Yasson was built as the Reference Implementation RI for Jakarta JSON Binding JSON-B; i.e. its purpose is to prove that it's possible to implement that standard. Being production ready never was a core design goal. And updates come mainly for new versions of JSON-B.

It would be false to conclude that JSON-B is not a viable, just because Yasson seems to be. IIRC, there was even a motion to support JSON-B in Jackson, but I haven't heard any updates on that for a long time (I didn't find the link where I saw that ~5 years ago). There are other implementations, e.g. Maybe that would be a better option for you.

bh-tt commented 1 month ago

@t1 are you affiliated with this project? I dont see any commits from you, so the following comment is likely not meant for you, only for the project maintainers.

I am a little disappointed by the maintenance of this project, for the following reasons:

I understand that the maintainers do this work in their private time for no compensation. However, for a pretty key ecosystem project like this (maven centrals usage statistics seem to be wrong, I highly doubt that there are only 200ish projects out there using jakarta json binding) to go unmaintained is bad for the ecosystem as a whole.

Perhaps this project should call for additional maintainers? The project currently seems to be in full maintenance mode (e.g. only the bare minimal necessary changes are being done) under a single committer, given the current issue list 1 or 2 additional maintainers seem to be necessary to keep this project relevant.

ivargrimstad commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you @rdehuyss for raising the issue. I will send an email on the project mailing list and ask the committers to comment (btw, please join the list if you are not subscribing to it yet).

I see that the committer list is fairly short (, so I am sure they would be very happy for contributions adressing any of the issues mentioned.

m0mus commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for using Yasson! Yes, the project is still being maintained. It might not be as actively maintained as we’d all prefer, but it’s definitely still alive. The folks working on it are juggling other projects too, so it’s all about priorities.

By the way, we’re always happy to get pull requests (PRs)—they can help speed things up!

About issue #638: it's fixed, and I see Parsson 1.1.7 is now being used. We’ll also check out the other issues you mentioned.

rdehuyss commented 2 weeks ago

I'd love to help but as I'm in the opensource business myself, I'm juggling other priorities too (I know, an excuse ☺️).

Thanks for the update!