eclipse-emfcloud / emfcloud-modelserver

Modelserver component
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Instructions for deployment within Eclipse OSGi runtime #273

Open jgsuess opened 12 months ago

jgsuess commented 12 months ago

Within my metamodels I use annotations for derived features and validations. These rely on the extension points for injection of functionality.

I would like to know how I can start the server within an Eclipse headless instance so that the extension points get activated on property access or validation call.

I am aware that I can manually register the extensions using EMF registries, but if the functionality has transitive bundle dependencies, this gets messy.

jgsuess commented 12 months ago

Similar issues arise if I want to host other resource factories. Can the server be set up to detect the extension points for other resource factories, e.g. Emfatic?

eneufeld commented 11 months ago

Hi @jgsuess ,

sorry for the late reply.

So you can start the modelserver by using the org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.emf.launch.ModelServerLauncher if you don't need support for arguments from CLI or the org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.emf.launch.CLIBasedModelServerLauncher if you need to parse CLI arguments.

In your case the server would runs in an OSGi/Eclipse environment, so EMF should pick up all registered packages automatically so resource factories from e.g. Emfatic should be directly usable.