eclipse-emfcloud / emfjson-jackson

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Jars contain no OSGi instructions anymore #28

Closed maho7791 closed 2 years ago

maho7791 commented 2 years ago

The released artifacts: have no OSGi Metadata in the Manifest, compared to:

This can be fixed in the pom.xml

martin-fleck-at commented 2 years ago

Fixed with

vhemery commented 2 years ago

@martin-fleck-at @maho7791 I've noticed that since the published plugin name has changed : image

I doubt it is intentional... ? Bnd maven plugin seem to consider only the artifactId, whereas felix was prefixing with the groupId. I don't know how to tell bnd to prefix the artifactId with the groupId.

maho7791 commented 2 years ago

That is correct bnd uses this mapping: for determining the Bundle. -SymbolicName. Is there a problem with this?

maho7791 commented 2 years ago

For P2 usually the bsn in the Manifest of the bundle is relevant. The file names are then used in the artifacts.xml.

maho7791 commented 2 years ago

To configure the bundle symbolic name you can also take that documentation link: There a several ways, one would be to define the Bundle-SymbolicName: ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId} inline the bnd-maven config. Another way would be more generic to define the bnd internal variable ${bsn} also inline in the parent pom like this: -bsn: ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}

If you need help I can assist here.

If this is a problem because you use Require-Bundle then you should switch to Import-Package instead. Because BSN changes can happen all the time, especially when switching to different providers for a API ;-)

vhemery commented 2 years ago

If this is a problem because you use Require-Bundle then you should switch to Import-Package instead. Because BSN changes can happen all the time, especially when switching to different providers for a API ;-)

The bsn has already been changed in 2021 when moved to (along with the package names) with a major version bump. This might be a bit too soon to change it again... (at least the Model Server source code did not take this new change in account)

@martin-fleck-at For the model server, are we assuming its safer to use only the Jackson implementation provided by (hence keeping the Require-bundle dependency eg in ) or should we move to an Import-Package as maho7791 suggests ? Using Import-Package, the emfcloud package name should already prevent users from trying to use the implementation, although I'm not sure there will be other P2 publishers of this package...

Whatever solution adopts the Model Server, I like maho7791's 2nd solution to go back to the old bsn :

Another way would be more generic to define the bnd internal variable ${bsn} also inline in the parent pom like this: -bsn: ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}

martin-fleck-at commented 2 years ago

Hi @vhemery, Hi @maho7791,

Thank you very much for reporting and following up on this issue! You are right, that was not intentional and I think we should restore the old naming procedure again. @maho7791 If you already know how to do it, any help is greatly appreciated.

Independent from that, it might be worth switching to Import-Package in the modelserver to prevent a similar problem in the future.

vhemery commented 2 years ago

@maho7791 Inserting Bundle-SymbolicName: ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId} in the pom's <configuration><bnd/></configuration> worked for me, but I couldn't get the -bsn: ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId} solution working. I also tried with an -@bsn:, separating from other instructions with an empty line, using -runproperties: to define it, but none of my attempt worked. If you could make the working patch, we would greatly appreciate it. If it doesn't work as you expected, I guess we can always fall back to Bundle-SymbolicName: ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId} (but I fear we may also have to update the jar naming with -output in this case => probably not : the jar name looks correct for mvn publishing, the P2 publishing probably takes the plugin naming in charge ?).

Thank you for your help.

maho7791 commented 2 years ago

I take a look into it to get it your way. It would be nice, if you form your expectations rgarding naming and file name in an issue?

maho7791 commented 2 years ago

BTW if we name the artifactId: org.eclipse.emfcloud.emfjson-jackson, this would change the BSN and the final jar without doin anything else :-)