eclipse-hono / hono

Eclipse Hono™ Project
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Dispatch router is sending less records from HONO mqtt brocker. #2579

Closed iamrsaravana closed 3 years ago

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

Dear Committer,

We are sending data through MQTT client which is pushing data into hono mqtt adapter

Here below python code sending 10 payloads to hono: root@worker-node3:/projects# python3 ****threading started**** {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":96,"Humidity":30,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:06.484741,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 1 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":3,"Humidity":5,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:11.489595,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 2 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":30,"Humidity":42,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:16.493894,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 3 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":105,"Humidity":33,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:21.497854,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 4 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":9,"Humidity":50,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:26.502771,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 5 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":47,"Humidity":20,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:31.507097,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 6 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":59,"Humidity":35,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:36.512465,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 7 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":46,"Humidity":39,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:41.513799,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 8 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":103,"Humidity":15,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:46.519210,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 9 {"DeviceId":"Device1@LTTS_TENANT","Temperature":53,"Humidity":5,"Current_Timestamp":2021-03-30T10:31:51.524286,"Clientid":"Device1"} Please check data on your Subscriber Code

mid: 10 ****program ended**** no of minutes it tooks-50.049262598000496

other side(North side) we are using Hono-Cli Jar files try to read those payloads. but cli command giving only 5 records as a output. we could test/source for dispatch router. could you help us to provide code or testing tools to identify where exactly those records are missing.

sophokles73 commented 3 years ago

It is hard to tell if you did anything wrong without having access to the (device) client side Python code which seems to be in a file called Can you provide the content of that file?

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago
import paho.mqtt.client as paho #mqtt library
import os
import json
import time
from datetime import datetime
import threading
import random
from datetime import datetime

#host name is localhost because both broker and python are Running on same
broker="" #host name , Replace with your IP address.
port=1883 #MQTT data listening port
#ACCESS_TOKEN='M7OFDCmemyKoi461BJ4j' #not manditory

def on_publish(client, userdata, mid):
    print("mid: "+str(mid))

def my_publisher(client_name):
     # print(client_name)
      client1= paho.Client(client_id=client_name) #create client object
      client1.on_publish = on_publish #assign function to callback
      client1.username_pw_set(username="client_name@LTTS_TENANT", password="devicepassword")
      client1.connect(broker,port) #establishing connection

#publishing after every 5 secs
      count = 1
      while count <11:
        payload+="\"Temperature\":"+ str(random.randint(0,150));payload+=",";
        ret= client1.publish(topic,payload,qos=1) #topic name is test
        print("Please check data on your Subscriber Code \n")

start =  time.perf_counter()
threads = []
client_names = "Device"
i = 1
print("********************threading started********************")
for _ in range(3):
    client_name = client_names + str(i)
  #  print("clinet"+client_name)
  #  print(client_names)
    t = threading.Thread(target = my_publisher, args= [client_name])
    i = i+1
 #   print("i alues"+str(i))

for thread in threads:

end = time.perf_counter()
print("********************program ended********************")

print( "no of minutes it tooks" + str(start - end ))
iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

we have checked mqtt broker pod's log which was getting 10 request from python code, but it is not transferring those payload to downstream applications.

sophokles73 commented 3 years ago

First of all: when I run this on my machine against a local Hono 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT deployed to minikube, everything works as expected, i.e. I can see 30 messages being received by the downstream consumer. That said, your code seems to start three clients in parallel, all using the same credentials for connecting. You should not do that. Each device (client) should use its own set of credentials in order to be able to distinguish between them. This is not a big issue when sending telemetry but it will pose an issue when you want to send a command to the device because Hono will then simply route the command to the device that has connected last. Maybe you should start by simplifying your code to use a single thread for starters. Then you could reduce the sleep period to 1 sec and see how you fare. Some questions: Which version of Hono are you using? How did you deploy Hono, are you running in minikube? Which messages do you receive on the consumer side? Is it the first five or is it every second message only? Are you running a single consumer or multiple consumers?

sophokles73 commented 3 years ago

Here's the Python code that I used successfully. It uses the example device that is being created if you use the Hono Helm chart to deploy. You can, of course, also use your own device and adapt username and password accordingly ...

import paho.mqtt.client as paho #mqtt library
import time
import threading
import random
from datetime import datetime
from paho.mqtt.client import connack_string

#host name is localhost because both broker and python are Running on same
broker="" #host name , Replace with your IP address.
port=1883 #MQTT data listening port
#ACCESS_TOKEN='M7OFDCmemyKoi461BJ4j' #not manditory
message_template = """
"Temperature": {0},
"Humidity": {1},
"Current_Timestamp": "{2}"

def on_publish(client, userdata, mid):
    print("message [mid: {0}] accepted by server".format(str(mid)))

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):

def publish_messages(client):
    count = 1
    while count < 11:
        payload = "{" + message_template.format(random.randint(0,150), random.randint(0,50), + "}"
        ret = client.publish(topic, payload, qos=1)
        print("sent message [rc={0}, is published: {1}]: {2}".format(ret.rc, ret.is_published(), payload))
        print("Please check data on your Subscriber Code \n")


def my_publisher(client_name):
#      print(client_name)
    client1= paho.Client(client_id=client_name) #create client object
    client1.on_publish = on_publish #assign function to callback
    client1.on_connect = on_connect
    client1.username_pw_set(username, password)
    client1.connect(broker, port) #establishing connection

start =  time.perf_counter()
threads = []
client_names = "Device"
i = 1
print("********************threading started********************")
for _ in range(1):
    client_name = client_names + str(i)
#    print("clinet"+client_name)
#    print(client_names)
    t = threading.Thread(target = my_publisher, args= [client_name])
    i = i+1
#    print("i alues"+str(i))

for thread in threads:

end = time.perf_counter()
print("********************program ended********************")

print( "no of seconds it took: " + str(end - start))

Can you confirm that this works for you as well?

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

Which version of Hono are you using? we are using 1.5.0 How did you deploy Hono, are you running in minikube? we installed it in k8s Which messages do you receive on the consumer side? Is it the first five or is it every second message only? publishing Input: Connection Accepted. message [mid: 1] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 93, "Humidity": 18, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:19.627283" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 2] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 49, "Humidity": 2, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:21.864672" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 3] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 43, "Humidity": 2, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:22.924230" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 4] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 95, "Humidity": 12, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:23.933834" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 5] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 101, "Humidity": 18, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:24.944400" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 6] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 17, "Humidity": 31, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:25.955030" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 7] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 19, "Humidity": 14, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:26.964019" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 8] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 108, "Humidity": 0, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:27.976700" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 9] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 111, "Humidity": 32, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:28.986561" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

message [mid: 10] accepted by server sent message [rc=0, is published: True]: { "Temperature": 12, "Humidity": 26, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:30.002458" } Please check data on your Subscriber Code

consumer output: Looks like it is fetching second alternative messages. root@master-node1:/home/rsa-key-dev-nodes/vasanth# java -jar hono-cli-1.6.*.jar --hono.client.port=15672 --hono.client.username=consumer@HONO --hono.client.password=verysecret

____ (_) __ ___ __ __ ___ __ / __ '_ \/ __ / _ \ __ / _ \ ' \ / \ ___ (__ ) _ \ __/ (_) (_) _____ _ _ .__/ /\ _ _ ___/ _ _ ___/

Eclipse Hono Example Client (v1.6.0) using Spring Boot (v2.2.11.RELEASE)

Go to for more information.

09:47:11.247 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hono.cli.Application - Starting Application v1.6.0 on master-node1 with PID 5383 (/home/rsa-key-dev-nodes/vasanth/hono-cli-1.6.0-exec.jar started by root in /home/rsa-key-dev-nodes/vasanth) 09:47:11.254 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hono.cli.Application - The following profiles are active: receiver 09:47:12.893 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hono.cli.Application - running command line client in role(s): receiver 09:47:14.299 [main] INFO org.eclipse.hono.cli.Application - Started Application in 5.796 seconds (JVM running for 9.051) 09:47:15.790 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - Receiver [tenant: LTTS_TENANT, mode: all] created successfully, hit ctrl-c to exit 09:50:21.919 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - received telemetry message [device: Device1, content-type: application/octet-stream]: { "Temperature": 49, "Humidity": 2, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:21.864672" } 09:50:21.920 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - ... with application properties: {orig_adapter=hono-mqtt, qos=1, device_id=Device1, orig_address=telemetry} 09:50:23.940 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - received telemetry message [device: Device1, content-type: application/octet-stream]: { "Temperature": 95, "Humidity": 12, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:23.933834" } 09:50:23.940 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - ... with application properties: {orig_adapter=hono-mqtt, qos=1, device_id=Device1, orig_address=telemetry} 09:50:25.960 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - received telemetry message [device: Device1, content-type: application/octet-stream]: { "Temperature": 17, "Humidity": 31, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:25.955030" } 09:50:25.960 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - ... with application properties: {orig_adapter=hono-mqtt, qos=1, device_id=Device1, orig_address=telemetry} 09:50:27.982 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - received telemetry message [device: Device1, content-type: application/octet-stream]: { "Temperature": 108, "Humidity": 0, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:27.976700" } 09:50:27.983 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - ... with application properties: {orig_adapter=hono-mqtt, qos=1, device_id=Device1, orig_address=telemetry} 09:50:30.009 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - received telemetry message [device: Device1, content-type: application/octet-stream]: { "Temperature": 12, "Humidity": 26, "Current_Timestamp": "2021-03-31T09:50:30.002458" } 09:50:30.009 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO - ... with application properties: {orig_adapter=hono-mqtt, qos=1, device_id=Device1, orig_address=telemetry}

Are you running a single consumer or multiple consumers?

we are using single consumer.

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

Looks like 1.7.0 version yet to publish in helm. are you building images from source code?

sophokles73 commented 3 years ago

Maybe you can add the message count to the messages being sent like this:

message_template = """
"Count": {3},
"Temperature": {0},
"Humidity": {1},
"Current_Timestamp": "{2}"
def publish_messages(client):
    count = 1
    while count < 11:
        payload = "{" + message_template.format(random.randint(0,150), random.randint(0,50),, count) + "}"
        ret = client.publish(topic, payload, qos=1)
        print("sent message [rc={0}, is published: {1}]: {2}".format(ret.rc, ret.is_published(), payload))
        print("Please check data on your Subscriber Code \n")


we can then see, which messages are coming through to the downstream consumer

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

in pod log file: kubectl logs pod/eclipse-hono-adapter-mqtt-vertx-6c795675d9-4l6dc -n hono -c eclipse-hono-adapter-mqtt-vertx

i can see it receiving 10 inputs from publisher

10:28:33.208 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - connection request from client [client-id: Device1] 10:28:33.208 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.s.auth.device.ChainAuthHandler - using UsernamePasswordAuthProvider 10:28:33.208 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - creating new client for [tenant] 10:28:33.208 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.client.impl.TenantClientImpl - creating new tenant client 10:28:33.208 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - enabling caching of responses from tenant 10:28:33.212 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.client.impl.HonoConnectionImpl - receiver open [source: tenant/b2285071-2db3-4a19-bb9f-fe46338b1343] 10:28:33.215 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.client.impl.HonoConnectionImpl - sender open [target: tenant, sendQueueFull: false, remote max-message-size: null] 10:28:33.215 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - request-response client for peer [eclipse-hono-service-device-registry] created 10:28:33.215 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.client.impl.TenantClientImpl - successfully created tenant client 10:28:33.215 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - successfully created new client for [tenant] 10:28:33.217 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - sent request [target address: tenant, subject: get, correlation ID: tenant-client-1fe0fcdb-1848-404b-bb0e-0367dd14440e] to service 10:28:33.227 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - received response [reply-to: tenant/b2285071-2db3-4a19-bb9f-fe46338b1343, subject: null, correlation ID: tenant-client-1fe0fcdb-1848-404b-bb0e-0367dd14440e, status: 200, cache-directive: max-age = 180] 10:28:33.227 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.227 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - creating new client for [credentials/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.227 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CredentialsClientImpl - creating new credentials client for [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.228 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - enabling caching of responses from credentials 10:28:33.230 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.client.impl.HonoConnectionImpl - receiver open [source: credentials/LTTS_TENANT/f77f1403-1f37-4679-9a91-2a0aec778d87] 10:28:33.234 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.client.impl.HonoConnectionImpl - sender open [target: credentials/LTTS_TENANT, sendQueueFull: false, remote max-message-size: null] 10:28:33.235 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - request-response client for peer [eclipse-hono-service-device-registry] created 10:28:33.235 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CredentialsClientImpl - successfully created credentials client for [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.236 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - successfully created new client for [credentials/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.238 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - sent request [target address: credentials/LTTS_TENANT, subject: get, correlation ID: cred-client-7ee9770a-2124-452b-afc6-a6527d6c03ea] to service 10:28:33.247 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - received response [reply-to: credentials/LTTS_TENANT/f77f1403-1f37-4679-9a91-2a0aec778d87, subject: null, correlation ID: cred-client-7ee9770a-2124-452b-afc6-a6527d6c03ea, status: 200, cache-directive: max-age = 180] 10:28:33.253 [vert.x-worker-thread-3] DEBUG o.e.h.s.a.d.UsernamePasswordAuthProvider - validating password hash on vert.x worker thread [vert.x-worker-thread-3] 10:28:33.367 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:33.368 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.369 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - creating new client for [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.370 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.RegistrationClientImpl - creating new registration client for [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.370 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - enabling caching of responses from registration 10:28:33.375 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.client.impl.HonoConnectionImpl - receiver open [source: registration/LTTS_TENANT/f1b4e6a1-7927-4e78-8c4b-78f20d223b2c] 10:28:33.379 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.client.impl.HonoConnectionImpl - sender open [target: registration/LTTS_TENANT, sendQueueFull: false, remote max-message-size: null] 10:28:33.379 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - request-response client for peer [eclipse-hono-service-device-registry] created 10:28:33.379 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.RegistrationClientImpl - successfully created registration client for [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.379 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - successfully created new client for [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.380 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - sent request [target address: registration/LTTS_TENANT, subject: assert, correlation ID: reg-client-2af1404a-e8e6-4404-b4c8-aeb080a91d10, device ID: Device1] to service 10:28:33.391 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.i.AbstractRequestResponseClient - received response [reply-to: registration/LTTS_TENANT/f1b4e6a1-7927-4e78-8c4b-78f20d223b2c, subject: null, correlation ID: reg-client-2af1404a-e8e6-4404-b4c8-aeb080a91d10, status: 200, cache-directive: max-age = 300] 10:28:33.392 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO o.e.h.s.m.LoggingConnectionEventProducer - Connected - ID: Device1, Protocol Adapter: hono-mqtt, Device: device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT], Data: null 10:28:33.393 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.394 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.394 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:33.394 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.395 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:33.395 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:34.404 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:34.404 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:34.404 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:34.405 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:34.405 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:34.405 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:35.412 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:35.413 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:35.413 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:35.414 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:35.414 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:35.415 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:36.421 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:36.422 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:36.422 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:36.422 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:36.422 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:36.423 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:37.428 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:37.429 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:37.429 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:37.429 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:37.430 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:37.430 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:38.442 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:38.442 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:38.443 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:38.443 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:38.443 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:38.444 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:39.466 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:39.466 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:39.466 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:39.467 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:39.467 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:39.467 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:40.477 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:40.478 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:40.478 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:40.478 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:40.479 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:40.479 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:41.489 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:41.490 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:41.491 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:41.491 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:41.491 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:41.491 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:42.498 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:42.499 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.HttpBasedMessageMapping - no payload mapping configured for device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:42.501 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [tenant] 10:28:42.501 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [registration/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:42.502 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - protocol adapter [hono-mqtt] is enabled for tenant [LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:42.502 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.c.impl.CachingClientFactory - reusing cached client [telemetry/LTTS_TENANT] 10:28:43.509 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO o.e.h.s.m.LoggingConnectionEventProducer - Disconnected - ID: Device1, Protocol Adapter: hono-mqtt, Device: device [device-id: Device1, tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT], Data: null 10:28:43.510 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] DEBUG o.e.h.a.m.i.VertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter - connection to device [tenant-id: LTTS_TENANT, device-id: Device1] closed root@master-node1:/home/rsa-key-dev-nodes#

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

those 10 payload values are not coming both hono-cli command and AMPQ connector.

sophokles73 commented 3 years ago

What is the AMQP connector?

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

I meant dispatch router.

sophokles73 commented 3 years ago

Can you please provide the output of both the Python sender and the hono-cli?

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

It was our mistake one consumer was running in the background, because of that we are getting only half of the records are coming.

sophokles73 commented 3 years ago

Glad it works for you as well :-) Can you close this issue then?

iamrsaravana commented 3 years ago

yes please.