eclipse-iceoryx / iceoryx

Eclipse iceoryx™ - true zero-copy inter-process-communication
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compilation error in utils #12

Closed bishibashiB closed 4 years ago

bishibashiB commented 4 years ago

Required information

Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (as per ubiquity robotics image compiled on raspberryPi 3b)

Compiler version: GCC 7.4.0 (for arm ->raspi)

Observed result or behaviour: allocator.cpp:44:75: error: no matching function for call to ‘align(uintptr_t&, const uint64_t&)’ uintptr_t l_alignedPosition = cxx::align(l_currentAddress, f_alignment); --> template class has only a shared parameter type for both parameters of cxx::align. Add a second template type or make second parameter (alignment) a static type e.g. uint64_t.

Expected result or behaviour: Does compile.

Conditions where it occurred / Performed steps: Using ubiquity robotics image compiled on raspberryPi 3b additional to install instruction added GCC v7 as default. (Compilation did finish after changing cxx::align 2nd parameter type (in helplets.hpp) to static type uint64_t.)

budrus commented 4 years ago

Thanks @Jekyll555 . Funny that this is no problem with gcc 7.4 on Intel. We also have ARM targets in our build pipeline but maybe not the combination ARM and gcc 7.4

dkroenke commented 4 years ago

Hi @Jekyll555 i can confirm this issue when i try to compile iceoryx on Raspbian with a Raspberry Pi 3B. The reason for that is that Raspbian is based on 32-Bit but the hardware processor has 64-bit. The 32-bit GCC compiler can then not handle the alignment for the different datatypes.

I guess that the ubiquity robotics image is also based on 32-Bit. You can check that with uname -a on which platform the operating system is based. If it is "armv7" then it is 32 Bit.

I created already an internal proposal how to fix that issue. I need to review it with my colleague and would then create a Pull-Request with you as reviewer.

bishibashiB commented 4 years ago

HI @dkroenke Confirming the raspbian being 32bit image: Linux ubiquityrobot 4.14.98-v7+ #1200 SMP Tue Feb 12 20:27:48 GMT 2019 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux Go ahead, I will be available for e.g. retesting...

praveenjosephg commented 4 years ago

I also faced this issue with Ubuntu mate 18.04 on raspberry pi 3 b+

budrus commented 4 years ago

Hi @praveenjosephg.

There is a 32-bit armhf and a 64-bit arm64 image. I guess you are using the armhf image. The arm64 image worked for me after reducing the memory pool and some other configuration to reasonable sizes on this machine.

I changed in


and you should adapt

e.g. to this or whatever your needs are (Will be more convenient soon with #13 m_mempoolConfig.push_back({32, 10000}); m_mempoolConfig.push_back({128, 10000}); m_mempoolConfig.push_back({1024, 2000}); m_mempoolConfig.push_back({1024 16, 500}); m_mempoolConfig.push_back({1024 128, 200}); m_mempoolConfig.push_back({1024 1024, 20}); return this;

Btw. there are rumors saying that @elfenpiff is working on the 32-bit support.

elfenpiff commented 4 years ago

@michael-poehnl you are right 32-bit support is on its way and hopefully available at the end of this week!

elBoberido commented 4 years ago

@elfenpiff, can this issue be closed?

dkroenke commented 4 years ago

Hi, please wait until @Jekyll555 can confirm that he can compile it for his setup before you close this issue.

elfenpiff commented 4 years ago

@elBoberido from my perspective we could close this issue

bishibashiB commented 4 years ago

@dkroenke @elfenpiff Don't bother me. But: confirm 844b316aa55b57ab92c8e1fd4b7c4a9423014850 solved it on my 32bit-ish raspbian image. Nice work, Thanks! (I take the freedom to close the issue now. ;-)