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Eclipse iceoryx™ - true zero-copy inter-process-communication
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Support for dynamic size types #911

Open elfenpiff opened 2 years ago

elfenpiff commented 2 years ago

Brief feature description

At the moment it is impossible to send types in a zero copy manner which have a size that is only known at runtime. The current approach is to use a std::vector or similar container and copy/serialize the content into an untyped message via the untyped publisher. I propose to adjust our containers cxx::vector, cxx::string and maybe later cxx::(forward)list so that they support dynamic size instead of only compile time size.

Detailed information

The cxx containers should be extended so that a custom allocator can be attached which allocates memory inside of the shared memory.

Usage example

struct MyData {
  MyData(Allocator & allocator) 
    : vecData(allocator), text(allocator) {}

  int data;
  cxx::vector<int, Allocator> vecData;
  cxx::string<Allocator> text;

auto sample =;
sample.value()->vecData.reserve(1234); // reserve 1234 elements in vector, can be called only once

sample.value()->text.assign("hello world");


struct MySample {
  void * data;
  int dataLength;

// use instead
struct MySample {
  cxx::vector<uint8_t> data;

Further Information

elfenpiff commented 2 years ago

@Indra5196 @rex-schilasky this is maybe interesting for you. Especially the Usage example, would you be happy with such an API or do you see some problems?

mossmaurice commented 2 years ago

Nice feature & ideas!

Few questions that popped up regarding 74f6d10:

You can also answer them later in the design PR or maybe it's also a good idea to put this onto the agenda of tomorrow's iceoryx developer meetup.

@ZhenshengLee might also be interesting for you.

elfenpiff commented 2 years ago

@mossmaurice I am currently in the middle of writing the design document and still working on this whole concept. I would suggest that we handle those questions in the upcoming design document PR. I hope that it will pop up at the end of the week.

rex-schilasky commented 2 years ago

@elfenpiff in general it sounds very promising that iceoryx can handle dynamic size types. Would that fix the issue 'fixed-size types only' for the ROS2 cyclonedds/iceoryx setup ? For eCAL the current iceoryx write logic is very primitive and looks like this


size_t CDataWriterSHM::Send(const SWriterData& data_)
    if (!m_publisher) return 0;
    size_t ret(0);

    uint32_t payload_size(static_cast<uint32_t>(data_.len));
    uint32_t payload_alignment(static_cast<uint32_t>(alignof(void*)));
    uint32_t header_size(static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(data_)));
    uint32_t header_alignment(static_cast<uint32_t>(alignof(SWriterData)));

    m_publisher->loan(payload_size, payload_alignment, header_size, header_alignment)
      .and_then([&](auto& userPayload) {
        // loan successful
        // copy payload header
        std::memcpy(iox::mepoo::ChunkHeader::fromUserPayload(userPayload)->userHeader(), &data_, sizeof(SWriterData));
        // copy payload data
        std::memcpy(static_cast<char*>(userPayload), data_.buf, data_.len);
        // publish all
        ret = data_.len;
      }).or_else([&](auto& error) {
        // loan failed
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "CDataWriterSHM::Send(): Loan of iceoryx chunk failed ! Error code: " << static_cast<uint64_t>(error);
        Logging::Log(log_level_fatal, ss.str());

    return ret;

where SWriterData contains the header and the payload information


struct SWriterData
      const void*  buf;
      size_t       len;
      long long    id;
      long long    clock;
      size_t       hash;
      long long    time;

so the SWriterData struct is the interface from eCAL to the writers (UDP/SHM). I have two questions ..

  1. Is this approach in general iceoryx like from performance perspective ?
  2. Will this feature give some improvement here ?
elfenpiff commented 2 years ago


  1. It will be iceoryx like from the performance perspective! You get dynamic sized types and we can still guarantee no copies.

  2. From the first look it seems that the biggest performance hit in this piece of code is the line where you have to copy SWriterData::buf into an iceoryx chunk with std::memcpy(static_cast<char*>(userPayload), data_.buf, data_.len);

If you could modify SWriterData so that it looks like

struct SWriterData
      cxx::vector<uint8_t> buf;

And use it like:

auto sample = m_publisher->loan();
void* data =;

and write directly into data then you could avoid this memcpy which should provide you a nice performance boost.

I think somewhere in your code you allocate the memory required for SWriterData and this allocation has to be replaced with publisher->loan(); sample->buf.reserve(data.len);. The send method then gets the sample, sets the custom header and calls sample.publish().

When the feature is implemented there will be an example showing this in greater detail. I added it as task.

rex-schilasky commented 2 years ago

@elfenpiff thank you for your explanation. Yes the payload memcpy hurts mostly. To use a cxx::vector<uint8_t> inside the SWriterData struct would be perfect for sure. Currently we can not do so because this would impact many eCAL communication layer (all based on that struct) and finally the user API that is providing this address. But we keep this in mind.

ZhenshengLee commented 2 years ago

Nice feature & ideas!

Few questions that popped up regarding 74f6d10:

@ZhenshengLee might also be interesting for you.

@mossmaurice long time no see!

As my repo ros2_shm_msgs finished recently, I got stars and the feedback from

pre-defining data of various sizes (1m~8m) would cause a huge waste for my application,

So, this feature will give a chance to resolve this.

Grabber commented 1 year ago

Some unrelated experiments I did on passing a std::vector as a void pointer: