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Gives the capability to execute command with client progress support #1186

Open angelozerr opened 5 years ago

angelozerr commented 5 years ago

JDT LS provides a client progress support which is used only internally.

It should be very fantastic if we could benefit of this progress support withcustom delegate command handler.

It will avoid for external JDL LS extension like STS to implement their own progress support. @martinlippert what do you think about this idea?

Please note that LSP progress support is planned :

Manage of progress support for delegate command handler is to create an instance of ProgressReporter instead of CancellableProgressMonitor like today.

Here the current code of JDTLanguageServer:

public CompletableFuture<Object> executeCommand(ExecuteCommandParams params) {
    logInfo(">> workspace/executeCommand " + (params == null ? null : params.getCommand()));
    return computeAsync((monitor) -> {
        return commandHandler.executeCommand(params, monitor);

A very simple fix is to replace computeAsync with computeAsyncWithClientProgress

public CompletableFuture<Object> executeCommand(ExecuteCommandParams params) {
    logInfo(">> workspace/executeCommand " + (params == null ? null : params.getCommand()));
    return computeAsyncWithClientProgress((monitor) -> {
        return commandHandler.executeCommand(params, monitor);

But it will throw some progression information although command handler doesn't want to manage progress.

A clean solution should check if command to execute has a progress capability or not.

To do that we could manage this capability in plugin.xml with command/@progress:

<extension point="">
      <delegateCommandHandler class="">
            <command id=""

It means that monitor must be created after the collect of DelegateCommandHandlerDescriptor:

Collection<DelegateCommandHandlerDescriptor> candidates = -> desc.getAllCommands().contains(params.getCommand())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); //no cancellation here but it's super fast so it's ok.

What about if some candidates have a progress capability and other have not progress capability?

angelozerr commented 5 years ago

For LSP progress support, I created an issue for LSP4J