eclipse-jdtls /

Java language server
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typeDefinition returns null instead of an empty list #3112

Open Bnaya opened 7 months ago

Bnaya commented 7 months ago



return location == null ? null : Arrays.asList(location);

Other handles returns Collections.emptyList(), but NavigateToTypeDefinitionHandler retures null

When using vscode-jsonrpc on the client side, you will see these errors: The received response has neither a result nor an error property.

rgrunber commented 7 months ago

What any given handle returns depends on the protocol. If the protocol allows it, then it should be expected. According to :


result: Location | Location[] | LocationLink[] | null partial result: Location[] | LocationLink[] error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the definition request.

Seems similar to except in that case it was determined the response was not correct. Maybe it's a bug in the vscode-jsonrpc library unless there's something I'm missing here.

Bnaya commented 7 months ago

I've done some more debugging, and the LS is not sending result: null, but not sending the result prop at all, Which is against the spec

rgrunber commented 6 months ago

What client are you using to run the language server ? There should be a folder created by jdt-ls either in the system's temporary directory or somewhere else (depending on how you run the actual language server). It should contain a file at some path like .metadata/.log. That might contain more information on why there is no response.

Note that prior to calling something like typeDefinition, you need to have called initialize on the project & probably didOpen on a particular document.