eclipse-jkube / jkube

Build and Deploy java applications on Kubernetes
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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chore: Removing the unused imports from KubernetesHelmPushTask #3535

Closed ThalesJ2 closed 1 week ago

ThalesJ2 commented 1 week ago


Fixes #3515

Type of change


manusa commented 1 week ago

Eclipse JKube CI Report

Started new GH workflow run for (2024-11-13T18:01:27Z)

:gear: JKube E2E Tests (11822871362)

Test results

:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-dockerfile) ``` [✓] DockerFileITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image inferring contextDir from provided dockerFile configuration [✓] ContextDirAndCustomAssemblyITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image with docker file and files read from provided contextDir configuration (within Dockerfile, files are read from configured Assembly properties) [✓] ContextDirAndDockerFileITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image for configured special dockerFile with files added from provided contextDir [✓] ContextDirITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image with docker file and files read from provided contextDir configuration [✓] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (1) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-dockerfile) ``` [✓] DockerFileITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image inferring contextDir from provided dockerFile configuration [✓] ContextDirAndCustomAssemblyITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image with docker file and files read from provided contextDir configuration (within Dockerfile, files are read from configured Assembly properties) [✓] ContextDirITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image with docker file and files read from provided contextDir configuration [✓] ContextDirAndDockerFileITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image for configured special dockerFile with files added from provided contextDir [✓] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (1) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-quarkus) ``` [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (5) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-quarkus) ``` [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (5) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-quarkus-native) ``` [✓] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (4) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-quarkus-native) ``` [✓] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (4) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Windows) ``` [✓] WindowsITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] WindowsITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [✓] WindowsITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] WindowsITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] WindowsITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] WindowsITCase - ocHelm - oc:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-springboot) ``` [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, no specified profile, should create default resource manifests [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create fat jar image [✓] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image and assembly files [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create layered jar image [✓] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create JIB image [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests in specific directory [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmPush - k8s:helm-push, should push the charts [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmInstall - k8s:helm-install, should install the charts [✓] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service form manifests in specific directory [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmUninstall - k8s:helm-uninstall, should uninstall the charts [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmUninstall_whenNoReleasePresent_thenErrorMessageDisplayed - k8s:helm-uninstall, no release present, display error message [✓] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sBuild - k8sBuild, should create image [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sResource - k8sResource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sHelm - k8sHelm, should create Helm charts [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sPush - k8sPush, should push image to remote registry [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sApply - k8sApply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sLog - k8sLog, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8sUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-webapp) ``` [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build should display the Tomcat webapps dir hint by default [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, with jkube.generator.webapp.env should not display the Tomcat webapps dir hint [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, with jkube.generator.webapp.env should not display the Tomcat webapps dir hint [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build should display the Tomcat webapps dir hint by default [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] JettyK8sWatchNoneITCase - k8sWatchNone - k8s:watch, with mode=none, SHOULD NOT hot deploy the application [✓] JettyK8sWatchBothITCase - k8sWatchBuildAndRun - k8s:watch, with mode=both, SHOULD hot deploy the application [✓] JettyK8sWatchCopyITCase - k8sWatchCopy - k8s:watch, with mode=copy, SHOULD hot deploy the application [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log with migration notice [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - testJavaeeNodePortResponse - The JavaEE servlet, exposed as a NodePort Service, should return a string and contain `Hello World` [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sUndeployJavaEE - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log with migration notice [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - testJakartaeeNodePortResponse - The JakartaEE servlet, exposed as a NodePort Service, should return a string and contain `Hello World` [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sUndeployJakartaEE - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - testNodePortResponse - Service as NodePort response should return String [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sLogWithoutJavaeeMigrationNotice - k8s:log, should retrieve log without JavaEE migration notice [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - testJavaEENodePortResponseError - JavaEE Service as NodePort response should return 500 and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError message [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - testJakartaEENodePortResponse - JakartaEE Service as NodePort response should return String [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sLogWithoutJavaeeMigrationNotice - k8s:log, should retrieve log without JavaEE migration notice [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-springboot) ``` [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, no specified profile, should create default resource manifests [✓] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image and assembly files [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create fat jar image [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create layered jar image [✓] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create JIB image [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests in specific directory [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmPush - k8s:helm-push, should push the charts [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmInstall - k8s:helm-install, should install the charts [✓] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service form manifests in specific directory [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmUninstall - k8s:helm-uninstall, should uninstall the charts [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmUninstall_whenNoReleasePresent_thenErrorMessageDisplayed - k8s:helm-uninstall, no release present, display error message [✓] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sBuild - k8sBuild, should create image [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sResource - k8sResource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sHelm - k8sHelm, should create Helm charts [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sPush - k8sPush, should push image to remote registry [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sApply - k8sApply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sLog - k8sLog, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8sUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (OpenShift v3.10.0-quarkus) ``` [✓] QuarkusOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] QuarkusOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] QuarkusOcITCase - ocHelm - oc:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=trace, should create image and print trace logs [✓] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] QuarkusOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] QuarkusOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=trace, should deploy pod and service and print trace logs [✓] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocLog - oc:log, with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=trace, should retrieve log and print trace logs [✓] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=trace, should delete all applied resources and print trace logs [✓] All tests (5) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-webapp) ``` [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build should display the Tomcat webapps dir hint by default [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, with jkube.generator.webapp.env should not display the Tomcat webapps dir hint [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build should display the Tomcat webapps dir hint by default [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, with jkube.generator.webapp.env should not display the Tomcat webapps dir hint [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] JettyK8sWatchNoneITCase - k8sWatchNone - k8s:watch, with mode=none, SHOULD NOT hot deploy the application [✓] JettyK8sWatchBothITCase - k8sWatchBuildAndRun - k8s:watch, with mode=both, SHOULD hot deploy the application [✓] JettyK8sWatchCopyITCase - k8sWatchCopy - k8s:watch, with mode=copy, SHOULD hot deploy the application [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] JettyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log with migration notice [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log with migration notice [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - testJakartaeeNodePortResponse - The JakartaEE servlet, exposed as a NodePort Service, should return a string and contain `Hello World` [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - testNodePortResponse - Service as NodePort response should return String [✓] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sUndeployJakartaEE - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - testJavaeeNodePortResponse - The JavaEE servlet, exposed as a NodePort Service, should return a string and contain `Hello World` [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - testJakartaEENodePortResponse - JakartaEE Service as NodePort response should return String [✓] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sUndeployJavaEE - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sLogWithoutJavaeeMigrationNotice - k8s:log, should retrieve log without JavaEE migration notice [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sLogWithoutJavaeeMigrationNotice - k8s:log, should retrieve log without JavaEE migration notice [✓] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - testJavaEENodePortResponseError - JavaEE Service as NodePort response should return 500 and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError message [✓] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-other) ``` [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] KarafK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] KarafK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifest for Kubernetes [✓] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create container image using buildpacks [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sBuild - k8sBuild, should create image [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sResource - k8sResource, should create manifests [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sHelm - k8sHelm, should create Helm charts [✓] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] KarafK8sITCase - K8sApply - k8s:apply, should apply manifests on k8s cluster [✓] KarafK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log [✓] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] KarafK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sApply - k8sApply, should deploy pod and service [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sLog - k8sLog, should retrieve log [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8sUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-other) ``` [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] KarafK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] KarafK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifest for Kubernetes [✓] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create container image using buildpacks [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sBuild - k8sBuild, should create image [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sResource - k8sResource, should create manifests [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sHelm - k8sHelm, should create Helm charts [✓] KarafK8sITCase - K8sApply - k8s:apply, should apply manifests on k8s cluster [✓] VertxK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] KarafK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log [✓] KarafK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [✓] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sApply - k8sApply, should deploy pod and service [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sLog - k8sLog, should retrieve log [✓] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8sUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:x: Test reports (OpenShift v3.10.0-springboot) ``` [X] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, no specified profile, should create default resource manifests [X] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelm - oc:helm, should create Helm charts [X] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelmPush - oc:helm-push, should push the charts [X] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelmInstall - oc:helm-install, should install the charts [X] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelmUninstall - oc:helm-uninstall, should uninstall the charts [X] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelmUninstall_whenNoReleasePresent_thenErrorMessageDisplayed - oc:helm-uninstall, no release present, display error message [✓] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, with, should create image [✓] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] WatchOcITCase - watch_whenSourceModified_shouldLiveReloadChanges - watch, SHOULD hot reload application on changes [✓] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, with, should create image [✓] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocBuild - ocBuild, should create image [✓] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocResource - ocResource, should create manifests [✓] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [✓] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocHelm - oc:helm, should create Helm charts [✓] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocApply - ocApply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocHelm - ocHelm, should create Helm charts [✓] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocLog - ocLog, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocUndeploy - ocUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (OpenShift v3.10.0-webapp) ``` [✓] WildFlyOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] WildFlyOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] JettyOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] JettyOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image using docker [✓] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] WildFlyOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] WildFlyOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve logs [✓] JettyOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] WildFlyOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] JettyOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [✓] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] JettyOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve logs [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - testNodePortResponse - Service as NodePort response should return String [✓] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [✓] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (OpenShift v3.10.0-other) ``` [✓] KarafOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] KarafOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create resource manifests [✓] VertxOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] VertxOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] WildflyJarOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] WildflyJarOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] ThorntailOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [✓] ThorntailOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [✓] DslOcGradleITCase - ocBuild - ocBuild, should create image [✓] DslOcGradleITCase - ocResource - ocResource, should create manifests [✓] KarafOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should create pod, service and route [✓] KarafOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [✓] VertxOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] KarafOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] VertxOcITCase - k8sLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [✓] VertxOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [✓] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] WildflyJarOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] WildflyJarOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ThorntailOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [✓] DslOcGradleITCase - ocApply - ocApply, should deploy pod and service [✓] DslOcGradleITCase - ocHelm - ocHelm, should create Helm charts [✓] DslOcGradleITCase - ocLog - ocLog, should retrieve log [✓] DslOcGradleITCase - ocUndeploy - ocUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] ThorntailOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [✓] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
sonarcloud[bot] commented 1 week ago

Quality Gate Passed Quality Gate passed

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0.0% Coverage on New Code
0.0% Duplication on New Code

See analysis details on SonarQube Cloud

manusa commented 1 week ago

Hi @ThalesJ2 Thanks for contributing. Please, next time try to comment on the issue first so that we can assign it to you and avoid duplicate work in case someone else is tackling the same problem.