Closed dependabot[bot] closed 3 days ago
Started new GH workflow run for (2024-11-22T08:45:12Z)
:gear: JKube E2E Tests (11969113242)
:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-dockerfile)
``` [β] DockerFileITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image inferring contextDir from provided dockerFile configuration [β] ContextDirAndDockerFileITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image for configured special dockerFile with files added from provided contextDir [β] ContextDirAndCustomAssemblyITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image with docker file and files read from provided contextDir configuration (within Dockerfile, files are read from configured Assembly properties) [β] ContextDirITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image with docker file and files read from provided contextDir configuration [β] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (4) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-dockerfile)
``` [β] DockerFileITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image inferring contextDir from provided dockerFile configuration [β] ContextDirAndCustomAssemblyITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image with docker file and files read from provided contextDir configuration (within Dockerfile, files are read from configured Assembly properties) [β] ContextDirITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image with docker file and files read from provided contextDir configuration [β] ContextDirAndDockerFileITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image for configured special dockerFile with files added from provided contextDir [β] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] SimpleK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (1) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-quarkus)
``` [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (5) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-quarkus)
``` [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] QuarkusK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (5) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-quarkus-native)
``` [β] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (4) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-quarkus-native)
``` [β] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] QuarkusNativeK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (4) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Windows)
``` [Γ’Εβ] WindowsITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [Γ’Εβ] WindowsITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [Γ’Εβ] WindowsITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [Γ’Εβ] WindowsITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [Γ’Εβ] WindowsITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [Γ’Εβ] WindowsITCase - ocHelm - oc:helm, should create Helm charts [Γ’Εβ] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-webapp)
``` [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, with jkube.generator.webapp.env should not display the Tomcat webapps dir hint [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build should display the Tomcat webapps dir hint by default [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build should display the Tomcat webapps dir hint by default [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, with jkube.generator.webapp.env should not display the Tomcat webapps dir hint [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] JettyK8sWatchNoneITCase - k8sWatchNone - k8s:watch, with mode=none, SHOULD NOT hot deploy the application [β] JettyK8sWatchCopyITCase - k8sWatchCopy - k8s:watch, with mode=copy, SHOULD hot deploy the application [β] JettyK8sWatchBothITCase - k8sWatchBuildAndRun - k8s:watch, with mode=both, SHOULD hot deploy the application [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log with migration notice [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - testJavaeeNodePortResponse - The JavaEE servlet, exposed as a NodePort Service, should return a string and contain `Hello World` [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sUndeployJavaEE - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - testNodePortResponse - Service as NodePort response should return String [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sLogWithoutJavaeeMigrationNotice - k8s:log, should retrieve log without JavaEE migration notice [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - testJavaEENodePortResponseError - JavaEE Service as NodePort response should return 500 and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError message [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - testJakartaEENodePortResponse - JakartaEE Service as NodePort response should return String [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sLogWithoutJavaeeMigrationNotice - k8s:log, should retrieve log without JavaEE migration notice [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log with migration notice [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - testJakartaeeNodePortResponse - The JakartaEE servlet, exposed as a NodePort Service, should return a string and contain `Hello World` [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sUndeployJakartaEE - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-springboot)
``` [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, no specified profile, should create default resource manifests [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create fat jar image [β] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image and assembly files [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create layered jar image [β] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create JIB image [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests in specific directory [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmPush - k8s:helm-push, should push the charts [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmInstall - k8s:helm-install, should install the charts [β] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmUninstall - k8s:helm-uninstall, should uninstall the charts [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service form manifests in specific directory [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmUninstall_whenNoReleasePresent_thenErrorMessageDisplayed - k8s:helm-uninstall, no release present, display error message [β] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sBuild - k8sBuild, should create image [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sResource - k8sResource, should create manifests [β] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sHelm - k8sHelm, should create Helm charts [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sPush - k8sPush, should push image to remote registry [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sApply - k8sApply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sLog - k8sLog, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8sUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-springboot)
``` [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, no specified profile, should create default resource manifests [β] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image and assembly files [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create fat jar image [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create layered jar image [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create JIB image [β] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [β] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests in specific directory [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmPush - k8s:helm-push, should push the charts [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [β] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service form manifests in specific directory [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmInstall - k8s:helm-install, should install the charts [β] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sPush - k8s:push, should push image to remote registry [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] CompleteDockerITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmUninstall - k8s:helm-uninstall, should uninstall the charts [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelm - k8s:helm, should create Helm charts [β] HelmConfigK8sITCase - k8sHelmUninstall_whenNoReleasePresent_thenErrorMessageDisplayed - k8s:helm-uninstall, no release present, display error message [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sBuild - k8sBuild, should create image [β] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigFatJarK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sResource - k8sResource, should create manifests [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sHelm - k8sHelm, should create Helm charts [β] CompleteK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sPush - k8sPush, should push image to remote registry [β] CompleteK8sJibITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] CustomResourceK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sApply - k8sApply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sLog - k8sLog, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigK8sGradleITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8sUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-webapp)
``` [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build should display the Tomcat webapps dir hint by default [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build should display the Tomcat webapps dir hint by default [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, with jkube.generator.webapp.env should not display the Tomcat webapps dir hint [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, with jkube.generator.webapp.env should not display the Tomcat webapps dir hint [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] JettyK8sWatchNoneITCase - k8sWatchNone - k8s:watch, with mode=none, SHOULD NOT hot deploy the application [β] JettyK8sWatchBothITCase - k8sWatchBuildAndRun - k8s:watch, with mode=both, SHOULD hot deploy the application [β] JettyK8sWatchCopyITCase - k8sWatchCopy - k8s:watch, with mode=copy, SHOULD hot deploy the application [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] JettyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - testNodePortResponse - Service as NodePort response should return String [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - testJakartaEENodePortResponse - JakartaEE Service as NodePort response should return String [β] ZeroConfigK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sLogWithoutJavaeeMigrationNotice - k8s:log, should retrieve log without JavaEE migration notice [β] TomcatJakartaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log with migration notice [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - testJakartaeeNodePortResponse - The JakartaEE servlet, exposed as a NodePort Service, should return a string and contain `Hello World` [β] TomcatJakartaeeK8sITCase - k8sUndeployJakartaEE - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log with migration notice [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - testJavaeeNodePortResponse - The JavaEE servlet, exposed as a NodePort Service, should return a string and contain `Hello World` [β] WildFlyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sLogWithoutJavaeeMigrationNotice - k8s:log, should retrieve log without JavaEE migration notice [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - testJavaEENodePortResponseError - JavaEE Service as NodePort response should return 500 and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError message [β] TomcatJavaeeK8sITCase - k8sUndeployJavaEE - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] TomcatJavaeeWithWebappsDirK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (OpenShift v3.10.0-quarkus)
``` [β] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=trace, should create image and print trace logs [β] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] QuarkusOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] QuarkusOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=trace, should deploy pod and service and print trace logs [β] QuarkusOcITCase - ocHelm - oc:helm, should create Helm charts [β] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocLog - oc:log, with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=trace, should retrieve log and print trace logs [β] QuarkusOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] QuarkusOcTraceEnabledITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=trace, should delete all applied resources and print trace logs [β] QuarkusOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (5) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.25.13-other)
``` [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] KarafK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] KarafK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifest for Kubernetes [β] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create container image using buildpacks [β] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sBuild - k8sBuild, should create image [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sResource - k8sResource, should create manifests [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sHelm - k8sHelm, should create Helm charts [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] KarafK8sITCase - K8sApply - k8s:apply, should apply manifests on k8s cluster [β] KarafK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log [β] KarafK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sApply - k8sApply, should deploy pod and service [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sLog - k8sLog, should retrieve log [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8sUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (4) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (Minikube v1.28.1-other)
``` [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] KarafK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create image [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] KarafK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifest for Kubernetes [β] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sBuild - k8s:build, should create container image using buildpacks [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sBuild - k8sBuild, should create image [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sResource - k8sResource, should create manifests [β] VertxK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sHelm - k8sHelm, should create Helm charts [β] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ThorntailK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] KarafK8sITCase - K8sApply - k8s:apply, should apply manifests on k8s cluster [β] KarafK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log [β] KarafK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] WildflyJarK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sLog - k8s:log, should retrieve log [β] OpenLibertyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sApply - k8s:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sApply - k8sApply, should deploy pod and service [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sLog - k8sLog, should retrieve log [β] DslK8sGradleITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8sUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] BuildPacksBuildStrategyK8sITCase - k8sUndeploy - k8s:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (OpenShift v3.10.0-webapp)
``` [β] JettyOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] JettyOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] WildFlyOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] WildFlyOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image using docker [β] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocResource - k8s:resource, should create manifests [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] JettyOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] JettyOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [β] JettyOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] WildFlyOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] WildFlyOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve logs [β] WildFlyOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve logs [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - testNodePortResponse - Service as NodePort response should return String [β] WildFlyOcDockerModeITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (5) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (OpenShift v3.10.0-springboot)
``` [β] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, no specified profile, should create default resource manifests [β] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelm - oc:helm, should create Helm charts [β] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelmPush - oc:helm-push, should push the charts [β] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelmInstall - oc:helm-install, should install the charts [β] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelmUninstall - oc:helm-uninstall, should uninstall the charts [β] HelmConfigOcITCase - ocHelmUninstall_whenNoReleasePresent_thenErrorMessageDisplayed - oc:helm-uninstall, no release present, display error message [β] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, with, should create image [β] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, with, should create image [β] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] WatchOcITCase - watch_whenSourceModified_shouldLiveReloadChanges - watch, SHOULD hot reload application on changes [β] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocBuild - ocBuild, should create image [β] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocResource - ocResource, should create manifests [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [β] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] LayeredJarDisabledOcDockerITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocApply - ocApply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocHelm - ocHelm, should create Helm charts [β] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocLog - ocLog, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigOcGradleITCase - ocUndeploy - ocUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] CompleteOcDockerITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocHelm - oc:helm, should create Helm charts [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [β] ZeroConfigOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```:heavy_check_mark: Test reports (OpenShift v3.10.0-other)
``` [β] VertxOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] VertxOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] WildflyJarOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] WildflyJarOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] KarafOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] KarafOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create resource manifests [β] DslOcGradleITCase - ocBuild - ocBuild, should create image [β] DslOcGradleITCase - ocResource - ocResource, should create manifests [β] ThorntailOcITCase - ocBuild - oc:build, should create image [β] VertxOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ThorntailOcITCase - ocResource - oc:resource, should create manifests [β] VertxOcITCase - k8sLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [β] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] VertxOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [β] OpenLibertyOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] WildflyJarOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] WildflyJarOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] KarafOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should create pod, service and route [β] KarafOcITCase - ocLog - oc:log, should retrieve log [β] DslOcGradleITCase - ocApply - ocApply, should deploy pod and service [β] DslOcGradleITCase - ocHelm - ocHelm, should create Helm charts [β] KarafOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] DslOcGradleITCase - ocLog - ocLog, should retrieve log [β] DslOcGradleITCase - ocUndeploy - ocUndeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] ThorntailOcITCase - ocApply - oc:apply, should deploy pod and service [β] ThorntailOcITCase - ocUndeploy - oc:undeploy, should delete all applied resources [β] All tests (6) passed successfully!!! ```
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[maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-invoker-plugin-3.8.1b050650
[MINVOKER-371] Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0 GA Stack557a85c
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use new Reproducible Central badge endpoint2a2e488
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration3542f38
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-invoker-plugin-3.8.0843ddcf
[MINVOKER-346] Align report output name36bcf12
[MINVOKER-354] Upgrade to Doxia 2.0.0 Milestone Stackaeba2b6
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