We detected that after editing a container deployment Json file the container is running twice. The reason is that the backup file created by text editor vim is also evaluated by the container-management. The log shows that it reads every file in deployment subdir. not only the files with suffix .json. Example:
ls -1a /etc/container-management/deployment/
self-update-agent.json~ <-- created by vim
.self-update-agent.json.un~ <-- binary created by vim, not listed with ls
Suggestion to avoid this: Kanto should only evaluate the Json files with file extension .json for container deployment.
We detected that after editing a container deployment Json file the container is running twice. The reason is that the backup file created by text editor vim is also evaluated by the container-management. The log shows that it reads every file in deployment subdir. not only the files with suffix .json. Example:
ls -1a /etc/container-management/deployment/ . .. self-update-agent.json self-update-agent.json~ <-- created by vim .self-update-agent.json.un~ <-- binary created by vim, not listed with ls vehicle-update-manager.json
Suggestion to avoid this: Kanto should only evaluate the Json files with file extension .json for container deployment.