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Add support for Module Identity on Azure Connector - Feature Request #284

Open stlevkov-bosch opened 11 months ago

stlevkov-bosch commented 11 months ago

Dear Kanto Team,

Recently I was working on a project with edge to cloud connectivity on which the Azure Connector was reviewed as a possible variant to integrate data to the cloud. In our PoC we was looking for a solution which can provide persistence for the Edge Application attributes similar to the reported state functionality provided by the Azure Device Twins. While the Azure Connector supports the Device Twin connection and its reported state functionality, I was thinking of extending this feature to support the Module Identities, provided by the Azure IoT Device Twin.

For our use case, we would like to be able, to establish additional connections (isolated) based on the Module Identities and as such to be able to provide Application Data Hierarchy by using the Device Twin as a parent device which will hold the main attributes and each Module Identity to store the reported state from each Application deployed on the Edge - either running in the Kanto Container or as a standalone app.

More information about the Module Identities can be found here: Module Identities

I believe adding this functionality will be crucial step to extend the Azure Connector feature set and will be benefit to others as well.

Best Regards