eclipse-kura / kura

Eclipse Kura™ is a versatile framework to supercharge your edge devices, streamlining the process of configuring your gateway, connecting sensors, and IoT devices to seamlessly collect, process, and send data to the cloud.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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fix: Fixed IPv6 validation #5574

Closed MMaiero closed 1 week ago

MMaiero commented 1 week ago

Note: We are using the Conventional Commits convention for our pull request titles. Please take a look at the PR title format document for the supported types and scopes.

Brief description of the PR. [e.g. Added null check on object to avoid NullPointerException]

Related Issue: This PR fixes/closes {issue number}

Description of the solution adopted: A more detailed description of the changes made to solve/close one or more issues. If the PR is simple and easy to understand this section can be skipped

Screenshots: If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your solution

Manual Tests: Optional description of the tests performed to check correct functioning of changes, useful for an efficient review

Any side note on the changes made: Description of any other change that has been made, which is not directly linked to the issue resolution [e.g. Code clean up/Sonar issue resolution]