eclipse-lemminx / lemminx

XML Language Server
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Do not expose Xerces Types in API #642

Open Treehopper opened 4 years ago

Treehopper commented 4 years ago

I am currently implementing an IXMLExtension to enhance the editing of Liquibase XML files.

I am using JPMS on my artifact with the following

import org.foobar.LiquibasePlugin;

module liquibase.lsp {
    exports org.foobar;

//  requires transitive org.eclipse.lemminx;
    requires transitive org.eclipse.lsp4xml;
    requires transitive org.eclipse.lsp4j;
    requires transitive org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc;

    requires transitive xercesImpl;

    provides IXMLExtension with LiquibasePlugin;

The only reason for me to require Xerces is that I need it to implement for example URIResolverExtension without running into compilation errors. When I do require it, I get this however: java.lang.module.ResolutionException: Modules jdk.xml.dom and xercesImpl export package org.w3c.dom.html to module org.eclipse.lsp4j

Maybe this instance of the problem is more a Xerces than a lemminx issue, but I would additionally argue that binding the API to a any specific library or framework, will make it impossible to evolve that API long-term. Also, I am doubtful that Xerces would fix this issue on their end anytime soon. I guess wrapping those Xerces types would be an opportunity to fix both of those issues.

I am currently using lsp4xml to be compatible with the latest WWD release, though I have seen that lemminx has the same issue.

angelozerr commented 4 years ago

I agree with you, and the whole API in LemMinx should not be linked to Xerces and it should be the case (except for URIResolverExtension or perhaps some other API ?)

Even if LemMinx is working with extensions (XSD, DTD support, etc), we have not a lot of external extension (today it exists just the and an extension from Liferay, so the API is not frozen yet) (it's one reason why we are not in 1.0.0 version)

If you want to remove Xerces dependencies from URIResolverExtension, any contribution are welcome!

Treehopper commented 4 years ago

Probably this isn't a small effort. Today I looked into implementing an IDiagnosticsParticipant. Following the implementation of the XSDDiagnosticsParticipant, I'm also stumbling over Xerces implementation classes, such as the XMLErrorReporter, when trying to implement the AbstractLSPErrorReporter. I guess I could start creating a PR, where I wrap and delegate all Xerces types I find, but I'm not really sure where to begin or end. Would it make sense to start with creating an "api" package to define the scope?

angelozerr commented 4 years ago

Probably this isn't a small effort.

Indeed I fear it's a very long and hard issue -(

Let's go step by step. I suggest you that you remove Xerces dependencies from the pom.xml to see compilation problem:


image I suggest you that you move the 2 classes linked to Xerces to the org.eclipse.lemminx.extensions.xerces package


Good luck!

Treehopper commented 4 years ago

This first PR implements your suggestions for moving the code around. I suppose we can merge it independently. Afterwards, I'd have a look at hiding the Xerces-dependencies.

Treehopper commented 4 years ago

I've written some wrapper code as part of liquibase-lsp here:

It certainly only covers a small part of the API, and it is not a well thought out implementation, but it might be a start. I suppose I will eventually get to it, but since what I have now works for me, it is not among my top priorities.

Treehopper commented 4 years ago

I had an idea for approaching this in a way that allows solving the problem iteratively, measurably and at the same time, safe-guard against re-introducing new Xerces dependencies. Given that ArchUnit tests are fairly readable, the PR might speak for itself, but I guess this might be a useful reference: