eclipse-lsp4j / lsp4j

A Java implementation of the language server protocol intended to be consumed by tools and language servers implemented in Java.
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Is there a full guide on getting the lsp running on local machine? #660

Closed RESDXChgfore9hing closed 2 years ago

RESDXChgfore9hing commented 2 years ago

from extracted the till a working lsp would be great,

I intend to use lsp4j along with CudaText,

It seems to support ms vscode lsp client which uses the jsonrpc thing. And lsp4j also seems to be using it. So I think it should be compatible? correct me If I am wrong.I am extremely new to lsp ecosystem.

RESDXChgfore9hing commented 2 years ago

i assume installing a working lsp server will allow the cudatext lsp client to receive proper jdk api suggestions,and as of now cudatext doesnt seems to have a java lsp server. so it would be great if any guide could be provided.

jonahgraham commented 2 years ago

Hi @RESDXChgfore9hing - I think the scope of LSP4J is not what you are looking for. LSP4J is just the protocol implementation, there is no language server or client itself here. If you want a language server for a spefic language you need to get it from one of those languages. If you are looking for the Java language server the Eclipse JDT LS is probably what you want:

RESDXChgfore9hing commented 2 years ago

thanks for the guide,will check jdt ,