eclipse-lsp4j / lsp4j

A Java implementation of the language server protocol intended to be consumed by tools and language servers implemented in Java.
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org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.RemoteEndpoint handleCancellation #756

Closed D0zee closed 11 months ago

D0zee commented 11 months ago

Hello everyone! I write a language server for kotlin build scripts. I've started get warnings from lsp4j as I understand on client side.

The example of a such warning is below: 2023 7:17:07 PM org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.RemoteEndpoint handleCancellation WARNING: Unmatched cancel notification for request id 7

What does this warning mean? And how to fix it? My lsp4j version on server side is 0.15.0, on client side as I suspect is latest, because I use lsp4j as a dependency in eclipse plugin. I've already tried to increase the version of lsp4j on server side, but nothing helps.

jonahgraham commented 11 months ago

What does this warning mean?

I think it means that the client is sending a cancel to the server for a message that it never to the server in the first place, or perhaps client sent a cancel after the server already replied. If it is the former, that sounds like a client bug, if it is the latter that is probably a race condition.

And how to fix it?

I don't think updating the server to latest will make much of difference as I don't think LSP4J has made changes recently, have a look at the changelog.

If the client is LSP4E perhaps some of the relatively new cancellation support isn't lining up with the server expectation.

Can you share a more complete log of the messages?

D0zee commented 11 months ago

These two lines are full log message. This warning appears when on any edits of file. I thought that maybe error from my end, but I went to older commits and the warning appears there also, althought I didn't see this warning in my log before.

jonahgraham commented 11 months ago

These two lines are full log message

Sorry, too many meanings for log around :) I meant the full log of the communication between client and server, the json-rpc contents.

D0zee commented 11 months ago It's full log of communication between server and client. But there are strange logs - it's just for debugging. The test project is a simple application from gradle init. After full initialization (I noted the end of it), I typed one character at a time and looked at the logs

jonahgraham commented 11 months ago

Sorry that is still the workspace log, I am talking about the log showing all the JSON-RPC objects back and forth. You can turn that on in LSP4E in this preference pace:


and then in the Console (or file you logged to) you will see all the JSON-RPC back and forth:


In that log you can track down what is happening by finding the messages with the matching IDs, e.g. {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"7"

jonahgraham commented 11 months ago

PS LSP4E is being improved all the time and there is some initiatives to provide better logging UIs. See for example

D0zee commented 11 months ago

Hello, I return with logs. These logs are printed on one change in text file. I still don't understand why client send requests to cancel.

[t=1692356789408] LSP4E to org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server:
Content-Length: 346

[t=1692356789410] LSP4E to org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server:

[t=1692356789675] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"debounce0 Linting .../string-utils/build.gradle.kts"}}

[t=1692356789685] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":2,"message":"compiling [KtFile: /Users/kolavladimirov/Downloads/sample_composite_builds_basics-kotlin-dsl-2/my-utils/string-utils/build.gradle.kts] with BUILD_SCRIPT"}}

[t=1692356789902] LSP4E to org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server:
Content-Length: 65

[t=1692356789902] LSP4E to org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server:

[t=1692356789902] LSP4E to org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server:
Content-Length: 224

[t=1692356789902] LSP4E to org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server:

[t=1692356789908] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":2,"message":"client    Unmatched cancel notification for request id 29"}}

[t=1692356789909] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"async2    Find symbols in .../string-utils/build.gradle.kts"}}

[t=1692356789910] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"async2    Finished in 1 ms"}}

[t=1692356789911] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:

[t=1692356789977] LSP4E to org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server:
Content-Length: 264

[t=1692356789977] LSP4E to org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server:

[t=1692356789982] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"async2    Re-parsing build.gradle.kts 0:1-19:1"}}

[t=1692356790060] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:

[t=1692356790077] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/publishDiagnostics","params":{"uri":"file:///Users/kolavladimirov/Downloads/sample_composite_builds_basics-kotlin-dsl-2/my-utils/string-utils/build.gradle.kts","diagnostics":[{"range":{"start":{"line":16,"character":0},"end":{"line":16,"character":2}},"severity":1,"code":"UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE","source":"kotlin","message":"Unresolved reference: ff","tags":[]}]}}

[t=1692356790082] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"debounce0 Reported 1 diagnostics in .../string-utils/build.gradle.kts"}}

[t=1692356790083] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"async2    Hovering BLOCK"}}

[t=1692356790083] org.eclipse.buildship.kotlinDSL.provider.server to LSP4E:
jonahgraham commented 11 months ago

Higher up the log is there a request with ID 29 (the ID that the cancel was for)? Is there a response from that request?

D0zee commented 11 months ago

I think that this request doesn't get a response, because It doesn't influence on something, just appears

D0zee commented 11 months ago

You are right, it was method that worked wrongly. I turned off it and warnings disappeared.

jonahgraham commented 11 months ago

I am glad to know you have managed to figure it out. Thanks for reporting back and closing the issue.