eclipse-mat / mat

The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap dump analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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An internal error occurred during: "default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects". Java heap space #21

Open eclipsewebmaster opened 1 month ago

eclipsewebmaster commented 1 month ago

| --- | --- | | Bugzilla Link | 433480 | | Status | NEW | | Importance | P3 normal | | Reported | Apr 24, 2014 21:31 EDT | | Modified | May 15, 2014 13:18 EDT | | Reporter | kinya yamada |


OS:Window 7 professional\ JDK:jdk1.7.0_21 64bit\ mat Ver :MemoryAnalyzer- \ [\ -startup\ plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar\ --launcher.library\ plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.100.v20110502\ -vm\ C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin\java\ -vmargs\ -Xmx4g\ ]

I open a dump with 1.5G size and to open leak suspect report \ but the following error occurred.\ [\ An internal error occurred during: "default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects". Java heap space\ ]

eclipsewebmaster commented 1 month ago

By kinya yamada on Apr 24, 2014 21:33

And MY PC's RAM is 8G Byte

eclipsewebmaster commented 1 month ago

By Andrew Johnson on Apr 25, 2014 10:33

What is the exact stack trace of the error from Window > Error Log.\ What kind of dump is it (HPROF?, PHD?).\ The dump should have been parsed, so can you close the dump, then reopen it without running any report?\ Does the error recur if you then run the leak suspects report?

eclipsewebmaster commented 1 month ago

By kinya yamada on Apr 25, 2014 11:45

(In reply to Andrew Johnson from comment #2)

What is the exact stack trace of the error from Window > Error Log.

I will upload it on April 28

What kind of dump is it (HPROF?, PHD?).


The dump should have been parsed, so can you close the dump, then reopen it without running any report?

Yes other report can open without any problem.

Does the error recur if you then run the leak suspects report?

YES ,run the leak suspects report\ and the dialog error window shows \ [\ An internal error occurred during: "default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects". Java heap space\ ]

eclipsewebmaster commented 1 month ago

By Andrew Johnson on May 12, 2014 16:09

Opening a 1829MB IBM core file (Objects: 6,222,655 Heap size: 568,182,763) with Memory Analyzer with -Xmx300m and running the leak suspects report gave \ me the following error.

eclipse.buildId=unknown\ java.version=1.8.0_05\ java.vendor=Oracle Corporation\ BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_GB\ Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64

Error\ Mon May 12 12:49:24 BST 2014\ An internal error occurred during: "default_report org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects".

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space\ at org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.MultiplePathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl.bfs(\ at org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.MultiplePathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl.computePaths(\ at org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.snapshot.MultiplePathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl.getPathsByGCRoot(\ at org.eclipse.mat.inspections.LeakHunterQuery.findCommonPathForSuspects(\ at org.eclipse.mat.inspections.LeakHunterQuery.execute(\ at org.eclipse.mat.query.registry.ArgumentSet.execute(\ at org.eclipse.mat.query.registry.CommandLine.execute(\ at\ at\ at\ at\ at org.eclipse.mat.query.registry.ArgumentSet.execute(\ at org.eclipse.mat.ui.QueryExecution$\ at

eclipsewebmaster commented 1 month ago

By Andrew Johnson on May 13, 2014 12:47

I ran a leak suspects report on a dump generated by MAT itself in comment 4, and also looked at the memory occupied by Strings.\ Perhaps Field names should be commoned as Fields retain 82MB.

Class Name | Objects | Shallow Heap | Retained Heap\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ java.lang.String | 895,992 | 21,503,808 | 77,016,440\ |- org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.Field | 673,874 | 16,172,976 | 82,813,408\ |- org.eclipse.mat.parser.model.ClassImpl | 39,560 | 4,114,240 | 99,361,096\ |- java.util.HashMap$Node | 65,135 | 2,084,320 | 12,597,488\ | |- java.util.HashMap$Node[] | 8,114 | 664,496 | 13,087,752\ | | |- java.util.HashMap | 8,111 | 389,328 | 13,123,016\ | | |- org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EPackageRegistryImpl| 2 | 96 | 1,216\ | | |- java.lang.ProcessEnvironment | 1 | 48 | 2,288\ | | '- Total: 3 entries | | | \ | |- java.util.HashMap$Node | 12,772 | 408,704 | 4,562,736\ | '- Total: 2 entries | | | \ |- org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.FieldDescriptor | 79,389 | 1,905,336 | 7,157,904\

eclipsewebmaster commented 1 month ago

By Andrew Johnson on May 15, 2014 13:15

Another way a lot of memory could be used is in the Paths2GCroots query. From the same dump above I found the following.\ There 910,811 path entries held in 862.336 FIFO entries. Only a few of those paths are used in the HTML report.

Class Name | Shallow Heap | Retained Heap\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ org.eclipse.mat.internal.snapshot.inspections.Path2GCRootsQuery$Tree @ 0xf702e058 | 32 | 44,130,232\ |- class org.eclipse.mat.internal.snapshot.inspections.Path2GCRootsQuery$Tree @ 0xf702dfe0 | 0 | 0\ |- snapshot org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.SnapshotImpl @ 0xf2e0e618 | 64 | 114,966,536\ |- computer org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.SnapshotImpl$PathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl @ 0xf6eb2030 | 80 | 44,113,160\ | |- class org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.SnapshotImpl$PathsFromGCRootsComputerImpl @ 0xf6f6ff38| 0 | 0\ | |- this$0 org.eclipse.mat.parser.internal.SnapshotImpl @ 0xf2e0e618 | 64 | 114,966,536\ | |- inboundIndex org.eclipse.mat.parser.index.IndexReader$InboundReader @ 0xf2ea3dc0 | 32 | 10,240\ | |- excludeMap java.util.HashMap @ 0xf6eb1bc0 | 48 | 1,440\ | |- fifo java.util.LinkedList @ 0xf6eb2080 | 32 | 42,555,560\ | |- visited org.eclipse.mat.collect.BitField @ 0xf6eb20a0 | 16 | 777,864\ | |- excludeInstances org.eclipse.mat.collect.BitField @ 0xf6eb20b0 | 16 | 777,864\