If you face an issue and have a sense of which particular GitHub repository is most related, you can open your issue against that repository. If you're unsure, you can open an issue against this current repositories and the issue will then be moved as best by maintainers.
"this current repositories" is incoherent number-wise, since "this" is singular while "repositories" is plural.
an issue cannot be "opened" or "moved". You surely mean s/open your/an issue/report your/an issue/ and s/the issue will then be moved/the ticket will then be reassigned/.
The Eclipse Mylyn homepage on GitHub contains the following paragraph in its Reporting issues section:
This paragraph comes from a README.md file part of the https://github.com/eclipse-mylyn/.github/ repository, but when displaying the content on the homepage, it is unclear what "this current repositories" means, since the page is not part of any repository.
By the way: