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Restore releng for publishing Maven Docs to maven central #459

Open ruspl-afed opened 6 months ago

ruspl-afed commented 6 months ago

Maven publishing is most likely not working after moving Mylyn Docs inside Maven and further releng work. Perhaps, we need to restore it.

@akurtakov how do you recommend to approach this? Should we have a separate Jenkins config that launches mvn from the specific entry point (special pom.xml with enumerated modules to publish) and with special set of options? An outline of the steps to implement would be very helpful, because I'm not an experienced maven publisher.

akurtakov commented 6 months ago

This was fully automated via so running some job using this jenkinsfile should be a good starting point.

BeckerFrank commented 5 months ago

How can this work?

We now have version as a dependency. But build the version 4.3 and include this version in the updatesite!

ruspl-afed commented 5 months ago

Maven Central and Eclipse Update Site are totally different things. Update site is easy to produce and committer rights are sufficient to upload. While uploading to Maven Central is quite a quest.

BeckerFrank commented 5 months ago

Maven Central and Eclipse Update Site are totally different things. Update site is easy to produce and committer rights are sufficient to upload. While uploading to Maven Central is quite a quest.

That is not the point. We use mvn clean verify for the Mylyn build, but needs mvn clean deploy to push the build result into the remote repository.

Why do you fix set the version to the old version ( for org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext and org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.textile in the pom of org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.maven?

How are newer version of the projects org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext and org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.textile build and come into the maven repository?

ruspl-afed commented 5 months ago

Perhaps I miss something important: do you mean that you have a solution how to restore Mylyn Docs publishing? If so, please provide a PR.

ruspl-afed commented 5 months ago

@BeckerFrank I created a PR #487 to revert versions back to available in reactor

BeckerFrank commented 5 months ago

Perhaps I miss something important: do you mean that you have a solution how to restore Mylyn Docs publishing? If so, please provide a PR.

We have the following calls to maven for builder Mylyn

mvn \
clean \
verify \
-B \
-Dmaven.repo.local=$WORKSPACE/.m2/repository \
-Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true \
-Dmaven.test.error.ignore=true \ \$JOB_URL \
-Dbuild.type=$BUILD_TYPE \

and Mylyn.Docs

mvn clean deploy -U -B -V -e -s /home/jenkins/.m2/settings-deploy-ossrh-docs.xml -Psign -Possrh -Dmaven.repo.local=$WORKSPACE/.m2/repository -Dtycho.buildqualifier.format=yyyyMMddHHmm -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dmaven.test.error.ignore=true -Dgpg.passphrase="${KEYRING_PASSPHRASE}" -Dnexus.autoReleaseAfterClose="${PERFORM_RELEASE}"
  1. We can try to change the man build of Mylyn with the following changes.
    • replace verify \with deploy \
    • add
      -U -V -e -s /home/jenkins/.m2/settings-deploy-ossrh-docs.xml \
      -Possrh -Dgpg.passphrase="${KEYRING_PASSPHRASE}" \
  2. try if we can run the original maven command without the clean parameter and we add -f

But how can we make sure that with our test we did not create problems in maven central?


merks commented 5 months ago

Could you publish snapshots to first. What's published to staging needs to be closed and release before it's final. Can the not-yet-closed thing be tested before closing and releasing?