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Remove guava in wikitext #568

Closed stephan-herrmann closed 1 week ago

stephan-herrmann commented 3 weeks ago

Also avoid new apache dependencies

Fully covers wikitext core



Replaces #562 to build on #565

stephan-herrmann commented 3 weeks ago

Some notes on top of :

For Url escaping, I had hoped that would satisfy all requirements and needs, but alas, it escapes more than what we expect in CommonMarkSpecTest.

gnl42 commented 3 weeks ago

@stephan-herrmann The ticket is supposed to remove guava references in wikitext, but it removes a lot of non-guava code as well which to me is outside the scope of the ticket.

It should only concentrate on guava, not muddy the waters with removing apache calls which does not need to be removed.

merks commented 3 weeks ago

Should only remove guava uses. Should not remove uses of apache just because it is apache

I think "we" should reconsider that. As I understand it, the more 3rd party dependency one drags in, the more problematic it is to consume because more baggage is dragged in. One might argue the water is currently very muddy currently. And it's probably safe to assume @stephan-herrmann didn't do this for new reason at all...

gnl42 commented 3 weeks ago

The apache library is already in the build so I don't consider that adding a library, as opposed to adding something to the target file.

Either way, these kind of changes should be in their own issue, not one for guava

merks commented 3 weeks ago

This will be the third time @stephan-herrmann is being asked to rework a contribution. I don't speak for him, but in general eventually folks tend to give up when hurdles appears in the way. I know Stephan is very persistent though...

One could just as well rename the ticket to change in scope:

Improve the consumablity and reusability of wikitext by reducing 3rd party dependencies.

I suppose it's none of my business. Somehow it feels poorly to me....

gnl42 commented 3 weeks ago

Removing guava is an very different beast than replacing third party library calls with "inline"/copied equivalents (and when I suggested importing the guava classes into wikitext for the same reason I was shot down along the lines of it creating a maintenance issue tracking the original version).

And as @stephan-herrmann points out in the description, there are already issues with the changes and I see several other issues already.

I could go along with a new ticket for replacing the apache uses (missing Strings.repeat() was a 'my bad' on my part) but I have bad feelings about making this issue a catch all one.

merks commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, I understand your concerns about scope creating and have even more things to review and more risk subtle behavior changes.

stephan-herrmann commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks, @gnl42 and @merks for commenting.

First things first: we have a definite need for improvement around UrlUtil.escapeUrlFragment(). The current implementation does not pass one particular test of CommonMarkSpecTest (see above for disablement).

Since I'm not an expert in web-programming, I'd highly welcome some input here.

stephan-herrmann commented 3 weeks ago

As for replacing usage of apache utils:

Asking pragmatically, which road poses least obstacles?

Is there any specific problem with any of my replacements of apache utilities, or is the concern only about the volume of the change? I don't recall any of the apache replacements as particularly tricky. Changes to toString() methods have a high volume, but very low complexity. @gnl42 which parts are you worried about?

And please don't let the discussion about apache distract us from the necessary work around URL escaping!

ruspl-afed commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your efforts and for your optimistic attitude @stephan-herrmann ! Let me add my two cents to this discussion.

1) The scope of the task to remove guava is big enough and we shouldn't extend it to other topics if we want to converge within a reasonable time. So, if we want to discuss apache replacement or troubles with particular guava type replacement, let's postpone questionable items for other PRs so that we can merge the rest of the work. I believe that this is how we can make faster progress.

2) Nobody says that we must literally reuse existing Mylyn Docs API/implementation in its current state. We may introduce other bundle(s) to be clean from 3rd party libraries and have sufficient interface/implementation to be suitable for JDT , LSP4E and other potential consumers. In this case tasks to remove guava, apache, etc are no longer coupled with a task to have reusable markdown support. So, instead of discussing how to replace the particular 3rd party type we can focus on defining a good interface for markdown parsing suitable for JDT needs. If you think this would be helpful you are very welcome to create a dedicated issue to discuss expected markdown interface capabilities @stephan-herrmann

stephan-herrmann commented 3 weeks ago

add commons.lang3 to eclipse-sdk-prereqs

@merks with your experience from simrel do you want to comment on the feasibility of this?

stephan-herrmann commented 3 weeks ago

Nobody says that we must literally reuse existing Mylyn Docs API/implementation in its current state. We may introduce other bundle(s) to be clean from 3rd party libraries and have sufficient interface/implementation to be suitable for JDT , LSP4E and other potential consumers. In this case tasks to remove guava, apache, etc are no longer coupled with a task to have reusable markdown support. So, instead of discussing how to replace the particular 3rd party type we can focus on defining a good interface for markdown parsing suitable for JDT needs. If you think this would be helpful you are very welcome to create a dedicated issue to discuss expected markdown interface capabilities @stephan-herrmann

Thanks @ruspl-afed for considering the big picture. I haven't yet started to work on the actual interface from JDT, but from other use of wikitext I'm confident that just the core plugins should be useful without new API. That's why I'm focusing on these three bundles:

If you look at this PR, those 3 plugins are all I intended to modify (plus corresponding tests).

The only change outside that scope is in where I was driven by my (overzealous?) removal of WikiToStringStyle.

merks commented 3 weeks ago

I foresee no problem at all adding this to the Platform's *.target


The following appears to be there for tests only:


It's not actually in the p2 repository:


stephan-herrmann commented 3 weeks ago

I foresee no problem at all adding this to the Platform's *.target

Thanks @merks, I really was afraid that would cause more trouble, but your statement is encouraging.

Please find in bb20f51 a proposed compromise where I reduced the surface area by reinstating some use of commons-lang3.

Note that some of my remaining changes were done before I even saw #565, where certain use of commons.lang3 was introduced. Specifically I believe it is useful to maintain the distinction between checkState vs. checkArgument (throwing different exceptions - as it was before #565), rather than mapping both to the same Validate.isTrue(). (btw, why not org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isTrue()?). Also replacing guava's trivial isNullOrEmpty() with a trivial same-named implementation of our own didn't look like causing pain for any reviewer. We need our own Strings class anyway for replacements of CharMatcher functionality like isBlank().

@gnl42 if you still see issues, please be specific, or: feel free to add more reverts to the PR.

At this point I can only repeat:

And please don't let the discussion about apache distract us from the necessary work around URL escaping!

I would have loved to spend time on that rather on reverting changes.

gnl42 commented 2 weeks ago

@stephan-herrmann I still think it should be two issues. but ... I don't understand the desire to remove the third party libraries but it sounds like it's something to do with the wikitext setup in which case I apologize. Still not happy about adding our own version of the library versions.

stephan-herrmann commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @gnl42 for approval.

Incidentally just now we found a leaner solution in orbit: org.commonmark_0.22.0.v20240316-0700.jar.

Unless we find some deficiencies in that library (which is unlikely, the javadoc reference implementation uses the same), JDT no longer needs mylyn wikitext for Java 23 support.

I hope this PR didn't stir up too much unnecessary dust, but perhaps it still helps other potential consumers like lsp4e. Feel free to modify the PR as needed.

gnl42 commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe, if so:

    private static final Pattern NOT_XXX_NNN = Pattern.compile("[^a-z0-9_]"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    private static final Pattern HYPHEN = Pattern.compile("-+"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    private static final Pattern HYPHEN_START_END = Pattern.compile("^-|-$"); //$NON-NLS-1$

    public String generateId(String id) {
        id = id.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        id = NOT_XXX_NNN.matcher(id).replaceAll("-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        id = HYPHEN.matcher(id).replaceAll("-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        id = HYPHEN_START_END.matcher(id).replaceAll(""); //$NON-NLS-1$

        return id;

merks commented 2 weeks ago


I've recently been doing performance tuning on a client application and have done changes exactly like this. It's less elegant and pretty, but definitely performs better!

ruspl-afed commented 2 weeks ago

Since JDT no longer needs this change and there are no special requirement for 3rd party libraries anymore from JDT side, please feel free to finalize and merge this PR @gnl42

gnl42 commented 1 week ago

I've recently been doing performance tuning on a client application and have done changes exactly like this. It's less elegant and pretty, but definitely performs better!

I compared the runtime of the various versions (10000000 calls each version):


Guava took 443ns average per call
State machine took 286ns average per call
Regex took 1041ns average per call
Compiled regex took 788ns average per call

In the end it basically boils down to how often is the method called vs. clarity of code

gnl42 commented 1 week ago

There are still some references to guava in the pom files and friends.

Easier to create a mylyn branch to clean up