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[OCLInEcore] relative URIs are changed by Pivot nsURIs one #1275

Open eclipse-ocl-bot opened 2 months ago

eclipse-ocl-bot commented 2 months ago

| --- | --- | | Bugzilla Link | 427289 | | Status | NEW | | Importance | P3 normal | | Reported | Feb 03, 2014 11:24 EDT | | Modified | Mar 13, 2017 14:13 EDT | | Depends on | 510503 | | Reporter | Adolfo Sanchez-Barbudo Herrera |


Luna M5


If you follow this repro in master it doesn't happen. So there is some "bit" which I've not been able to discover which is producing the wrong serialization behaviour. At least, now there is a repro.

Regards,\ Adolfo.

eclipse-ocl-bot commented 2 months ago

By Ed Willink on Mar 13, 2017 13:45

Much simpler repro:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\ <ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""\ xmlns:ecore="" name="my" nsURI="http://my" nsPrefix="my">\

\ \ \ open with OCLinEcore editor giving import ecore : '' ; package my : my = 'http://my'\ {\ class Node\ {\ property eClassifier : ecore::EClassifier[?];\ }\ } The import suggests the problem. When saved the refernce is chnaged to match the import. ---- Editing org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl/model/EssentialOCLCS.ecore and saving gives a number of minor changes to lowerBound / unique / imports. Are these all valid?
eclipse-ocl-bot commented 2 months ago

By Ed Willink on Mar 13, 2017 14:13

Repro in ewillink/427289 hits an early problem with metamodel schizophrenia between installed/referenced Ecore. Probably Bug 510503.

The user ResourceSet should be using relative-Ecore.

The tooling ResourceSet should be using nsURI-Ecore.

There should be no confusion.