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[cg] Non-standard JET templates #1894

Open eclipse-ocl-bot opened 2 months ago

eclipse-ocl-bot commented 2 months ago

| --- | --- | | Bugzilla Link | 522565 | | Status | NEW | | Importance | P3 normal | | Reported | Sep 21, 2017 05:34 EDT | | Modified | Jan 28, 2019 10:56 EDT | | Depends on | 485089 | | Reporter | Ed Willink |


See similar QVTd Bug 522560

Currently /*.jet has fixes for Bug 485089 and Bug 485764 and support for injected tail code.

Unlike QVTd this is not deliverable code so OCL's build time is the same as EMF. OCL build can therefore move to EMF 2.14 as a mandatory build requirement and add one missing import to Class.javajet and delete the no longer required PackageClass.javajet.

eclipse-ocl-bot commented 2 months ago

By Ed Willink on Sep 21, 2017 07:58

Deleting PackageClass.javajet would be nice, but it makes use of an Oxygen platform a bit flaky (Bug 475764 is not fixed). Easier to update it to no-change. It can perhaps be deleted nearer Photon time. More likely at the next major version.

Pushed to master for Photon M3.

This bug remains open since we still have non-standard JET files.

eclipse-ocl-bot commented 2 months ago

By Ed Willink on Jan 28, 2019 10:56

Significant EMF JET evolution for 2.16 in respect of @deprecated tags etc required a refresh for 2018-12 and a build time lowerbound of 2.16.

(commit 3e86d3ecb2e8f28c40e809acfa6654fe398118d3).

PackageClass.javajet is deleted, and README refreshed.

We have non-standard AdaptorFactoryClass.javajet, SwitchClass.javajet to fix the \ @Nullable class template parameter. Bug 485089 is won't fix so this looks like a permanent 'one-line' tweak.

Class.javajet appends Visitor functionality via and insert.javajetinc.

(commit 3d08443387874ab2d5d1b4e83007f04da2ddc8e9)