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DaaLoadTest CS ArrayStoreException #12214

Open pshipton opened 3 years ago

pshipton commented 3 years ago DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0

DLT 11:51:08.872 - First failure detected by thread: load-10. Not creating dumps as no dump generation is requested for this load test
DLT 11:51:08.885 - suite.getInventory().getInventoryFileRef(): openj9.test.load/config/inventories/daa/daaAll.xml
DLT 11:51:08.886 - suite.isCreateDump() : false
DLT 11:51:08.888 - Test failed
DLT   Failure num.  = 1
DLT   Test number   = 35
DLT   Test details  = 'JUnit[net.openj9.test.binaryData.TestInteger2ByteArrayNumBytes]'
DLT   Suite number  = 0
DLT   Thread number = 10
DLT >>> Captured test output >>>
DLT testStarted : initializationError(net.openj9.test.binaryData.TestInteger2ByteArrayNumBytes)
DLT testFailure: initializationError(net.openj9.test.binaryData.TestInteger2ByteArrayNumBytes): null
DLT java.lang.ArrayStoreException
DLT     at java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(
DLT     at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.toArray(
DLT     at java.lang.reflect.Executable.getDeclaredAnnotations(
DLT     at java.lang.reflect.Method.getDeclaredAnnotations(
DLT     at java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.getAnnotations(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.getAnnotations(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.model.TestClass.addToAnnotationLists(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.model.TestClass.scanAnnotatedMembers(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.model.TestClass.<init>(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.createTestClass(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.<init>(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.<init>(
DLT     at
DLT     at org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder.safeRunnerForClass(
DLT     at
DLT     at org.junit.runner.Computer.getRunner(
DLT     at org.junit.runner.Computer$1.runnerForClass(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder.safeRunnerForClass(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder.runners(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder.runners(
DLT     at org.junit.runners.Suite.<init>(
DLT     at org.junit.runner.Computer.getSuite(
DLT     at org.junit.runner.Request.classes(
DLT     at org.junit.runner.Request.classes(
DLT     at net.adoptopenjdk.loadTest.adaptors.JUnitAdaptor.executeTest(
DLT     at net.adoptopenjdk.loadTest.LoadTestRunner$
DLT     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
DLT     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
DLT     at
DLT testFinished: initializationError(net.openj9.test.binaryData.TestInteger2ByteArrayNumBytes)
DLT JUnit Test Results for: net.openj9.test.binaryData.TestInteger2ByteArrayNumBytes
DLT   Ran    : 1
DLT   Passed : 0
DLT   Failed : 1
DLT   Ignored: 0
DLT   Result : FAILED
DLT <<<
pshipton commented 3 years ago

@amicic @bragaigor not sure if this is a GC problem? I'll run some GCs later to see if it can be recreated. Note the failure is in the v0.26.0-release branch.

bragaigor commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to reproduce it as well

pshipton commented 3 years ago

5 x 5x grinders - passed - passed - passed - passed

Happened to spot the following in the first one

13:15:56  DLT stderr 17:15:56.520 0x30464a00    j9mm.107    *   ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at /home/jenkins/workspace/Build_JDK8_ppc64_aix_Release/omr/gc/base/MemoryPoolSplitAddressOrderedListBase.cpp:499: ((false && (((0) == nextFreeEntry) || (addrTop <= nextFreeEntry))))
bragaigor commented 3 years ago

Was the failure observed in other platforms or just in AIX PPC64 with JDK 8?

pshipton commented 3 years ago

I only saw it on AIX, but if it's intermittent it may occur on other platforms but just hasn't shown up yet. I can grind another platform, do you have a preference?

bragaigor commented 3 years ago

That makes sense, and I would say either x86 linux 64 or PPC linux 64. (I'm also trying to reproduce in these platforms locally)

pshipton commented 3 years ago

5 x 10x on xlinux

5 x 10x on plinux

These all passed.

amicic commented 3 years ago

Early to give a proper diagnosis, but so far, this looks way more likely a JIT related problem (corruption in heap, for example overextending object access etc) than a GC problem.

amicic commented 3 years ago

FYI @dmitripivkine

bragaigor commented 3 years ago

From the tests above it looks like this failure is only happening in AIX PPC64 with JDK 8 after all

dmitripivkine commented 3 years ago

I can not find any system core stored, even from grinder with assertion in GC. Running grinders seems useless until we update them to generate cores. What is the right way to get core stored?

pshipton commented 3 years ago

From the tests above it looks like this failure is only happening in AIX PPC64 with JDK 8 after all

Hard to tell given the low reproduction rate. The original problem wasn't reproduced even on AIX.

pshipton commented 3 years ago

@Mesbah-Alam the grinder asserted so it should have created a core file, but there are no messages about creating diagnostic files, and no diagnostics in the artifacts. Are we running this test with -Xdump:none or similar options that disable diagnostics? I do see -dumpRequested false, not sure if that is related. @llxia fyi

1.DLT.stderr contains

17:15:56.520 0x30464a00    j9mm.107    *   ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at /home/jenkins/workspace/Build_JDK8_ppc64_aix_Release/omr/gc/base/MemoryPoolSplitAddressOrderedListBase.cpp:499: ((false && (((0) == nextFreeEntry) || (addrTop <= nextFreeEntry))))
JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "traceassert", detail "" at 2021/03/15 13:15:56 - please wait.
JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "user", detail "" at 2021/03/15 13:50:55 - please wait.
bragaigor commented 3 years ago

Hello, I’ve been trying to reproduce the failure in Grinder and locally for AIX PPC64 JDK 8. So I let the test run for all day yesterday and out of 130 iterations the only suspect that I got was one test run that output the following:

DLT 17:16:51.084 - Starting thread. Suite=0 thread=5
gmake[4]: *** [ DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0] Hangup
gmake[3]: *** [/home/jenkins/temp/openn/openjdk-tests/TKG/../TKG/ DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0-daaLoadTest] Hangup
gmake[2]: *** [/home/jenkins/temp/openn/openjdk-tests/TKG/../TKG/ DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0-system] Hangup
gmake[1]: *** [ DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0-..] Hangup
gmake: *** [makefile:48: _DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0] Hangup

But I’m not sure if that’s related to the issue at hand (this looks more like a machine problem?).

pshipton commented 3 years ago

But I’m not sure if that’s related to the issue at hand (this looks more like a machine problem?).


Mesbah-Alam commented 3 years ago

I do see -dumpRequested false, not sure if that is related.

Hi @pshipton , this is not related. When there is an assertion or a crash, dumps should be created normally; -dumpRequested flag will not prevent that.

(The -dumpRequested flag is only used to control the STF feature that creates a set of heap, java and system dumps during a test failure. This was causing unnecessary dumps being created so we added the -dumpRequested flag.)

Mesbah-Alam commented 3 years ago
STF 13:52:55.053 - Sending SIGXCPU (kill -24) to the java process to generate an OS dump
STF 13:52:55.054 - Running command: kill -24 18940050
STF 13:52:55.054 - Redirecting stderr to /home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/openjdk-tests/TKG/output_16158285507977/DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0/20210315-131551-DaaLoadTest/results/1.DLT.kill_24.stderr
STF 13:52:55.054 - Redirecting stdout to /home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/openjdk-tests/TKG/output_16158285507977/DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0/20210315-131551-DaaLoadTest/results/1.DLT.kill_24.stdout
DLT stderr JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "user", detail "" at 2021/03/15 13:50:55 - please wait.
STF 13:52:55.063 - Monitoring Report Summary:
STF 13:52:55.063 -   o Process DLT has timed out
STF 13:52:55.064 - Killing processes: DLT
STF 13:52:55.064 -   o Process DLT pid 18940050 stop()
STF 13:52:56.065 -   o Process DLT pid 18940050 killed
**FAILED** at step 1 (Run daa load test). Expected return value=0 Actual=1 at /home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/openjdk-tests/TKG/../TKG/output_16158285507977/DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0/20210315-131551-DaaLoadTest/ line 94.

Looking at the failure output, it may be a case of STF killing the sub-process due to timeout, causing the dumps being not generated.

STF 13:52:55.063 - o Process DLT has timed out

The test sub-process named DLT gets launched by STF with a timeout of 35m. When assertion happens, an attempt is made to generate the dump by issuing SIGXCPU, but it appears that the DLT sub-process reaches its timeout while the dump generation is taking place. So, STF just kills the whole thing - as it's designed to do.

pshipton commented 3 years ago

The assert occurred at 13:15, well before the timeout occurred.

DLT 13:15:56.065 - Starting thread. Suite=0 thread=13
DLT stderr 17:15:56.520 0x30464a00    j9mm.107    *   ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at /home/jenkins/workspace/Build_JDK8_ppc64_aix_Release/omr/gc/base/MemoryPoolSplitAddressOrderedListBase.cpp:499: ((false && (((0) == nextFreeEntry) || (addrTop <= nextFreeEntry))))
DLT stderr JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "traceassert", detail "" at 2021/03/15 13:15:56 - please wait.
STF 13:20:54.142 - Heartbeat: Process DLT is still running

I assume there is a sub-process being run? It would be useful to (always) print the command lines for any sub-processes.

Mesbah-Alam commented 3 years ago

The assert occurred at 13:15, well before the timeout occurred.

True, but the dump collection started at 13:50:55.015 and the timeout occurs at 13:52:55.063 - in between these two events, we see a whole bunch of output suggesting the framework is trying to generate dump. That's why I was guessing if the timeout killed the dump generation.

I assume there is a sub-process being run?

By subprocess I meant the sub-process of the test, e.g. DLT - whose command line does get printed by STF:

STF 13:15:54.612 - Running command: /home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/bin/java -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xgc:concurrentScavenge -classpath /home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/jvmtest/system/stf/stf.load/bin:/home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/jvmtest/system/stf/stf.core/bin:/home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/jvmtest/system/systemtest_prereqs/log4j/log4j-api.jar:/home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/jvmtest/system/systemtest_prereqs/log4j/log4j-core.jar:/home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/jvmtest/system/systemtest_prereqs/junit/junit.jar:/home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/jvmtest/system/systemtest_prereqs/junit/hamcrest-core.jar:/home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/jvmtest/system/openj9-systemtest/openj9.test.daa/bin net.adoptopenjdk.loadTest.LoadTest -resultsDir /home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/openjdk-tests/TKG/output_16158285507977/DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0/20210315-131551-DaaLoadTest/results -resultsPrefix 1.DLT. -timeLimit 5m -dumpRequested false -reportFailureLimit 1 -abortAtFailureLimit 10 -maxTotalLogFileSpace 200M -maxSingleLogSize 1/25 -suite.daa.threadCount 14 -suite.daa.inventoryFile /home/jenkins/workspace/Grinder/openjdk-tests/TKG/output_16158285507977/DaaLoadTest_all_CS_5m_0/20210315-131551-DaaLoadTest/results/1.DLT.inventory/openj9.test.load/config/inventories/daa/daaAll.xml -suite.daa.inventoryExcludeFile none -suite.daa.selection random -suite.daa.seed -1 -suite.daa.repeatCount 1 -suite.daa.thinkingTime 0ms..0ms