Open TestSmell opened 2 years ago - are you a 17 day old bot?
No. We are just conducting a study. We summarize several new/candidate test smells from discussion in StackOverflow and design the corresponding detector to detect them. We identify candidate test smells from GitHub projects using our detector. We then sent detected candidate test smells to developers of real-world projects to investigate whether they also think it is not a good practice in testing. At least these detected test methods can be improved. Thanks.
I notice that you write the return statement in some test cases. For example,
Generally, the purpose of a test case is to determine if different features within a system are performing as expected and to confirm that the system satisfies all related standards, guidelines, and customer requirements. Therefore, I think the return statement should be written in test code with the ''@Test'' annotation method. In addition, there are no assertions in this test case and it is invoked by another method named ''createAndCheckValueType()''. I would like to know if is it really a useful test case? Whether something wrong is in this test case? Thanks.