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CryptoTests cryptotest/tests/ timeout in java.math.BigInteger.implSquareToLen #16711

Open pshipton opened 1 year ago

pshipton commented 1 year ago - ub16x64j96 CryptoTests_0 cryptotest/tests/

timeout, no diagnostic files.

133)    SunEC:  SHA1withECDSA~SHA1withECDSA  (Signature)

"MainThread" prio=5 Id=22 RUNNABLE
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.implSquareToLen(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.squareToLen(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.implMontgomerySquare(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.montgomerySquare(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.oddModPow(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.modPow(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.passesMillerRabin(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.primeToCertainty(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BitSieve.retrieve(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.largePrime(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.probablePrime(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/$Delegate.generateKeyPair(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/
    at app//cryptotest.utils.KeysNaiveGenerator.getRsaKeyPair(
    at app//cryptotest.utils.KeysNaiveGenerator.getRsaPrivateKey(
    at app//cryptotest.tests.SignatureTests.checkAlgorithm(
    at app//cryptotest.utils.AlgorithmTest.mainLoop(
    at app//cryptotest.tests.SignatureTests.main(
pshipton commented 1 year ago - ub20-390-3 CryptoTests_0 cryptotest/tests/

72) SunRsaSign:     SHA384withRSA~OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.12  (Signature)

"MainThread" prio=5 Id=22 RUNNABLE
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.implSquareToLen(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.squareToLen(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.square(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.square(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.lucasLehmerSequence(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.passesLucasLehmer(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.primeToCertainty(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BitSieve.retrieve(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.largePrime(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/java.math.BigInteger.probablePrime(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/$Delegate.generateKeyPair(
    at java.base@17.0.6-internal/
    at app//cryptotest.utils.KeysNaiveGenerator.getRsaKeyPair(
    at app//cryptotest.utils.KeysNaiveGenerator.getRsaPrivateKey(
    at app//cryptotest.tests.SignatureTests.checkAlgorithm(
    at app//cryptotest.utils.AlgorithmTest.mainLoop(
    at app//cryptotest.tests.SignatureTests.main(
pshipton commented 1 year ago

@0xdaryl it seems OpenJ9 is too slow to complete this newly added test. I notice jdk17 implSquareToLen() has an @IntrinsicCandidate annotation, while in jdk11 it's @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate.

@llxia can we increase the timeout setting for this test? timeout set to 120000ms

pshipton commented 1 year ago - cent8-aarch64-1 CryptoTests_0 cryptotest/tests/

34) SUN:    SHA3-256withDSA~OID.2.16.840.   (Signature)

"MainThread" prio=5 Id=27 RUNNABLE
    at java.base@19.0.2-internal/java.math.BigInteger.implMulAdd(

90) SunRsaSign:     SHA512withRSA~OID.1.2.840.113549.1.1.13  (Signature)

40) SUN:    SHA256withDSA~OID.2.16.840.     (Signature)

"MainThread" prio=5 Id=35 RUNNABLE
    at java.base@19.0.2-internal/java.math.BigInteger.implSquareToLen(

46) SUN:    NONEwithDSA~RawDSA   (Signature)

"MainThread" prio=5 Id=35 RUNNABLE
    at java.base@19.0.2-internal/java.math.BigInteger.implMulAddCheck(

29) SUN:    SHA512withDSA~2.16.840.     (Signature)

"MainThread" prio=5 Id=23 RUNNABLE
    at java.base@19.0.2-internal/java.math.BigInteger.montReduce(

25) SUN:    SHA3-512withDSA~OID.2.16.840.   (Signature)

"MainThread" prio=5 Id=23 RUNNABLE
    at java.base@19.0.2-internal/java.math.BigInteger.implSquareToLen(

91) SunRsaSign:     SHA512withRSA~1.2.840.113549.1.1.13  (Signature)
pshipton commented 1 year ago

cryptotest/ is also timing out

pshipton commented 1 year ago

and cryptotest/tests/

pshipton commented 1 year ago

The jdk19 timeouts are also happening on Adoptium builds.

llxia commented 1 year ago

I can set -timeoutFactor:2 (instead of 1). But I am not sure if it is the best way to do it.

llxia commented 1 year ago

Increase timeout for CryptoTests:

0xdaryl commented 1 year ago

I notice jdk17 implSquareToLen() has an @IntrinsicCandidate annotation, while in jdk11 it's @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate.

Interesting. I believe our intrinsics matching code is only looking for the former, not the latter. But it is the former that might be the issue in this case. We'll investigate the slowness, but not for 0.38.

0xdaryl commented 1 year ago

@BradleyWood : please investigate the slowdown here. I moved this to 0.40.

BradleyWood commented 1 year ago

@0xdaryl it seems OpenJ9 is too slow to complete this newly added test. I notice jdk17 implSquareToLen() has an @IntrinsicCandidate annotation, while in jdk11 it's @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate.

I don't think implSquareToLen intrinsic was ever implemented in OpenJ9 on any platform. I think we should open an issue to implement it, and any other unimplemented intrinsics.

hzongaro commented 11 months ago

Reassigning to @jmesyou, as he's working on issue #17778.

I'm not sure whether we need both issues, or if #17778 will act as an epic issue with this as a subtask. I'll leave it for him to decide.

hzongaro commented 11 months ago

I'm assuming this won't be ready for the 0.41 code split, so I'll move it out to 0.43.