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GCCheck failures with JDK8 on OSX #3791

Open babsingh opened 5 years ago

babsingh commented 5 years ago

The following tests in the GCCheck test suite are failing:

23:36:25 Create core file
23:36:25 Run gccheck

Test Create core file fails because core is generated at /Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdk-tests/TestConfig/test_output_15427729963309/cmdLineTester_GCCheck_SE80_1/j9core.dmp. But, the test expects the core at /cores/core.86566. fyi - @llxia

Test Run gccheck fails because there is no DDR/jdmpview support on OSX. fyi - @mikezhang1234567890

OSX JDK8 Test Output:

23:35:57 Executing command: rm -f j9core.dmp
23:35:57 Testing: Create core file
23:35:57 Test start time: 2018/11/20 23:35:58 Eastern Standard Time
23:35:57 Running command: "/Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/java" -Xcompressedrefs -Xcompressedrefs -Xjit -Xgcpolicy:gencon  -cp /Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../lib/ddr/j9ddr.jar:/Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdk-tests/TestConfig/scripts/testKitGen/../../../../jvmtest/functional/cmdline_options_testresources/cmdlinetestresources.jar:/Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdk-tests/TestConfig/scripts/testKitGen/../../../../jvmtest/functional/IBM_Internal/cmdLineTests_IBM_Internal/gcCheck/caffeine.jar -Xdump:system:file=j9core.dmp,events=vmstop,request=exclusive+compact CaffeineMarkEmbeddedApp
23:35:57 Time spent starting: 3 milliseconds
23:36:25 Time spent executing: 25660 milliseconds
23:36:25 Test result: FAILED
23:36:25 Output from test:
23:36:25  [OUT] Sieve score = 144484
23:36:25  [OUT] Loop score = 664160
23:36:25  [OUT] Logic score = 964228
23:36:25  [OUT] String score = 701153
23:36:25  [OUT] Float score = 271646
23:36:25  [OUT] Method score = 300068
23:36:25  [OUT] Overall score = 417398
23:36:25  [ERR] JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "vmstop", detail "#0000000000000000" at 2018/11/20 23:36:18 - please wait.
23:36:25  [ERR] JVMDUMP032I JVM requested System dump using '/Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdk-tests/TestConfig/test_output_15427729963309/cmdLineTester_GCCheck_SE80_1/j9core.dmp' in response to an event
23:36:25  [ERR] JVMDUMP012E Error in System dump: The core file created by child process with pid = 86566 was not found. Expected to find core file with name "/cores/core.86566"
23:36:25  [ERR] JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "vmstop", detail "#0000000000000000".
23:36:25 >> Success condition was not found: [Output match: System dump written]

23:36:25 Testing: Run gccheck
23:36:25 Test start time: 2018/11/20 23:36:24 Eastern Standard Time
23:36:25 Running command: "/Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/java" -Xcompressedrefs -Xcompressedrefs -Xjit -Xgcpolicy:gencon  -showversion -cp /Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/../lib/ddr/j9ddr.jar:/Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdk-tests/TestConfig/scripts/testKitGen/../../../../jvmtest/functional/cmdline_options_testresources/cmdlinetestresources.jar:/Users/jenkins/workspace/Test-sanity.functional-JDK8-osx_x86-64_cmprssptrs/openjdk-tests/TestConfig/scripts/testKitGen/../../../../jvmtest/functional/IBM_Internal/cmdLineTests_IBM_Internal/gcCheck/caffeine.jar j9core.dmp
23:36:25 Time spent starting: 3 milliseconds
23:36:25 Time spent executing: 145 milliseconds
23:36:25 Test result: FAILED
23:36:25 Output from test:
23:36:25  [ERR] openjdk version "1.8.0_192-internal"
23:36:25  [ERR] OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_192-internal-jenkins_2018_11_20_22_32-b00)
23:36:25  [ERR] Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build disable_pltest_osx-9c3f38a96, JRE 1.8.0 Mac OS X amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20181120_26 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
23:36:25  [ERR] OpenJ9   - 9c3f38a96
23:36:25  [ERR] OMR      - 6f232a31
23:36:25  [ERR] JCL      - 8ef74afc707 based on jdk8u192-b12)
23:36:25  [ERR] 
23:36:25  [ERR] Error: Could not find or load main class
23:36:25 >> Success condition was not found: [Output match: Checking HEAP...done]
23:36:25 >> Failure condition was not found: [Output match: gc check]
23:36:25 >> Failure condition was not found: [Output match: unable to read]
23:36:25 >> Failure condition was not found: [Output match: Exception]

Not verified but the above errors may also be seen with JDK11 OSX. Currently, the test sanity/extended jobs can't run the above tests on OSX because of hangs and test infra failures documented in, and Disabling the following tests will allow the test sanity jobs to run the above failing tests:

babsingh commented 5 years ago

fyi - @DanHeidinga

dmitripivkine commented 5 years ago

This test required DDR but it is not there yet, is not it?

babsingh commented 5 years ago

This test required DDR but it is not there yet, is not it?

The two issues: absence of DDR (jdmpview support) and incorrect core file path are documented in the issue's description. fyi - @dmitripivkine

babsingh commented 5 years ago

For the core file not created/found failure, I think the solution is ulimit -c unlimited. by default, core file size is set to 0 on macOS:

ulimit -a

core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 4864
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 1
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 1418
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited

fyi - @jdekonin


jdekonin commented 5 years ago

Should be fine now. jenkins user didn't have rights to /cores folder. chown -R root:staff /cores

babsingh commented 5 years ago


llxia commented 5 years ago

Target cmdLineTester_GCCheck_SE80_0 is only available in internal builds. Why is it not available in external builds? Should internal and external builds be consistent?

Internal builds contain extra tests that cannot put in external or cannot easily put in external. For details regarding cmdLineTester_GCCheck, please see

babsingh commented 5 years ago

@mikezhang1234567890 or @llxia or @sophia-guo Since DDR support has been enabled on OSX via, can you verify if cmdLineTester_GCCheck* passes, re-enable the test, and close this issue?

llxia commented 4 years ago

---TEST RESULTS--- Number of PASSED tests: 1 out of 2 Number of FAILED tests: 1 out of 2

