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Add triggers and email notifications to the build #147

Closed jonahgraham closed 7 months ago

jonahgraham commented 7 months ago

The provides a workaround for the lack of triggering from SimRel -> EPP, see

merks commented 7 months ago


FYI, one approach I was considering was some type of job that checks timestamps on some regular and fairly short schedule and when it determines that the simrel staging repo is newer than expected, would kick off the EPP staging job. It's just a really rough idea though and I did not have enough time this month to investigate that.

jonahgraham commented 7 months ago

In the old days (when we had triggering) because EPP takes so long that most EPP builds during release weeks fail because until the simrel repo gets quiet overnight the EPP build was running while the simrel repo was changing contents. That is why I thought just a once a day build is a good idea.

I like your idea of looking for a marker to know whether to run the build. If Simrel added a file (e.g. buildnumber.txt) to I could read that every 5(?) minutes and skip the build if it hadn't changed. I would store that same number in somewhere as the comparison point.

jonahgraham commented 7 months ago

There is a plug-in that would work: - it could be set to watch

I'll raise an issue with helpdesk to ask if that can be installed.

merks commented 7 months ago

That would be nice if we didn't need to brew our own solution!