Open ngocdb opened 7 years ago
I tested up to the 0.45.0 version
... "react": "16.0.0-alpha.12", "react-native": "0.45.0", ...
and it still runs well.
But it fails with the 0.46.4 version. Check the release notes, I see there is a change with websocket in the latest version.
Added Cookie Header to XML and Websocket request (047961f)
Not sure how this thing affect the mqtt connect ?
I'm using Paho Mqtt on react-native. However, I receive the error every time I connect to mqtt server. I can sure the host, port are OK, the clientId is unique.
Object {invocationContext: undefined, errorCode: 16, errorMessage: "AMQJS0016E Invalid MQTT message type 0."}
How can I debug the error, please help...