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"The super interfaces set has been reduced" #139

Closed jukzi closed 7 months ago

jukzi commented 1 year ago

With an today OOmphed platform workspace i see 19 weird errors: "The super interfaces set has been reduced" "The major version should be incremented in version 2.2.700, since API breakage occurred since version 2.2.700"

Which i don't understand


iloveeclipse commented 1 year ago

This sounds like a usual glitch in the matrix, that occurs often in PDE. I almost always see 300 API errors in SWT (and that since years). Typically a rebuild or restart + clean build helps.

merks commented 1 year ago

Sometimes (often) the API tools are annoying and produce bogus results. Was this a fresh new workspace (where I don't generally see such problems), or an updated one?

merks commented 1 year ago

Sometimes this is what I do, i.e., refresh the API baseline and then an Apply And Close forces a full build...


jukzi commented 1 year ago

totally fresh. "build...clean" did not solve it. nor a restart.

jukzi commented 1 year ago

refresh baseline made those errors disappear. - but now i see all those swt errors @iloveeclipse mentioned :-( image

iloveeclipse commented 1 year ago

1) Since I'm old school API tools user, I have manually set baseline to the local 4.28 SDK installation. 2) I don't see API errors on osgi bundles using latest nightly SDK build and the API baseline above.

merks commented 1 year ago

SWT seems to be most prone to such bogus errors of all. 😱

You could try deleting the API baseline entirely and do Perform Setup tasks to create it again....

jukzi commented 1 year ago

Deleting baseline deleted the markers. "Help/Perform Setup Tasks..." recreated baseline. a Project/Clean... recreated all the swt errors :-(

merks commented 1 year ago

At least it's consistent. I don't currently have time to try to reproduce this problem. But I have seen this before and then at some point it goes away and for me it's currently away in my older setup...

merks commented 1 year ago

It's not a great suggestion, but deleting the errors makes the go away for a while...

mickaelistria commented 1 year ago

I'm repeatedly seeing those "super interfaces has been reduced" in without real clue. Has anyone identified some particular precondition for this symptom to surface? In , I'm making the build use Java 20, but the bree-libs profile is still used and Java 17 is available. So I don't think much has changed here in practice, and even if the "wrong" Java version is used, I see no relevant change in Constable between 17 and 20...

iloveeclipse commented 1 year ago

I wonder if reusing workspace affects API tools: [WARNING] The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session; refreshing workspace to recover changes.

vogella commented 7 months ago

Still an issue? Please reopen