eclipse-sdv-blueprints / blueprints

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Insurance and Data Exchange #8

Open nacidai opened 9 months ago

nacidai commented 9 months ago

This proposal is brought forward Mario Ortagon/microsoft

A showcase for integrating Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) and Eclipse Dataspaces for insurance applications. Enable exchange of vehicle and risk events to support risk assessment, underwriting processes and customer experiences

Identification of common driver risk events (maneuver detection) such as tailgating or speeding using CAN bus signals. Data capture / snapshotting and transmission of risk events to a telematics platform using MQTT pub. Data storage in a Insurance Landing Zone. Data exchange using Eclipse Dataspace components between two entities representing the OEM and the Insurance Platform

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 10 58 42

Projects involved are:

nacidai commented 9 months ago

@msmarioo is the coordinator for this proposal

msmarioo commented 7 months ago

As part of the blueprint we will leverage the upcoming blueprint for "Software Orchestration" that includes a "base" SDV distribution that leverages the above-mentioned component. This blueprint will concentrate on the Event detector application and the definition of 'Risk Events" from the point of view of an insurance company. It will also include the necessary code to create a basic landing zone and pipeline for processing the data for exchange using EDC.

The maintainer of this blueprint is @msmarioo

Commiters (HDI)

(github handles tbd)

This project will create a DTDL based on the COVESA Signal Specification and will have a provider that will replay data at CAN speeds. The detectors will create events based on the signal data. Events will be transmitted using MQTT.


msmarioo commented 7 months ago

The project will also include a proposal for a processing pipeline required to transform a "insurance event" into a "Insurance Data Product", as well as sample implementations for both a batched, periodic data transmission (for driving behavior events) as well as a live notification for the "First Notification of Loss" event.

The project will include a sample deployment of the [Eclipse Dataspaces Components] from the Eclipse Dataspace Working Group that demonstrates communication between an Automotive OEM and an Insurance Company.


Note: The diagram shows Azure technology (EG, EH, FA, ADLS2), but equivalent open-source components will be included (potential collaboration with the fleet management blueprint)

msmarioo commented 6 months ago

Initial committers to the project

Mario Ortegon - Microsoft - @msmarioo - Anneke Minke - HDI - @annmin - Jannis Adrian Felix de Veer - HDI - @jafdeveer -

nacidai commented 6 months ago

Initial committers to the project

Mario Ortegon - Microsoft - @msmarioo Anneke Minke - HDI - @annmin - Jannis Adrian Felix de Veer - HDI - @jafdeveer -

Issue has been created with Eclipse Helpdesk. You can track it at:

nacidai commented 6 months ago

@msmarioo @annmin @jafdeveer please let me know when you have created your eclipse accounts ( so that I can continue with the nomination. Please confirm here wit the email you use for the eclipse account.

nacidai commented 6 months ago

@msmarioo @annmin @jafdeveer please let me know when you have created your eclipse accounts ( so that I can continue with the nomination. Please confirm here wit the email you use for the eclipse account.

I have started the nomination process as required by the eclipse foundation. Please vote to accept Annike, Mario and Jannis as new committers to Insurance blueprint

Eclipse SDV Blueprints project committers can click the election link below to vote.

msmarioo commented 6 months ago

@nacidai I have updated my email in the comment above, apologies, I realize I forgot to add it.

nacidai commented 2 months ago

The election process for @msmarioo has been restarted: