eclipse-sdv-blueprints / software-orchestration

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Ankaios initial contribution with running scenario #11

Open inf17101 opened 3 months ago

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

Issue: #10

Important: Do not merge this PR since there is collaborated work on-going.

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

@ladatz: Within this PR you can make any further changes required for the in-vehicle-stack and the additional applications for the scenarios.

ladatz commented 3 months ago

@ladatz: Within this PR you can make any further changes required for the in-vehicle-stack and the additional applications for the scenarios.

Thanks @inf17101 , I will work on getting the images incorporated with this branch

ladatz commented 3 months ago

@ladatz: Within this PR you can make any further changes required for the in-vehicle-stack and the additional applications for the scenarios.

Thanks @inf17101 , I will work on getting the images incorporated with this branch

The images are currently located here: (I don't believe I have write permissions to add them to the blueprint container registry). My fork also includes the correct configuration for ankaios: I could not push the changes here; I am seeing 403. I removed the cloud connector from the startupState for this initial contribution. We can consider adding it back in in a later phase.

ladatz commented 3 months ago

@inf17101 I have added the correct image URLs to this PR

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

@ladatz: Thank you for contributing the changes. I try this out tomorrow, too. Afterwards I will approve.

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

The configuration changes are working. LGTM 👍

@eriksven: Could you review the PR and merge it ?

eriksven commented 3 months ago

@inf17101 , I added two comments and would wait for your thoughts on them before merging.

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

@inf17101 , I added two comments and would wait for your thoughts on them before merging.

Yes thank you. Regarding the private images, I wanted to write you anyway regarding the package repository. In our own project we push all images into the organization's package repository, which is in my opinion the best way. However, it seems like that @ladatz does not have access to push an image. I have also tried out and I do also not have the access rights. We need to be official contributor I think?

eriksven commented 3 months ago

I merged #15 and triggered the workflow for building the image. The image is now available in . Could you adapt this PR to use the image available in the this software-orchestration blueprint.

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

I merged #15 and triggered the workflow for building the image. The image is now available in . Could you adapt this PR to use the image available in the this software-orchestration blueprint.

@eriksven and @ladatz: We have set the new image path and have started it. It works.

eriksven commented 3 months ago

That is great news. I guess it then makes sense to wait for #17 to be merged. We could then run the new workflows for the custom containers mqtt-broker-agemo-config:0.1.2, eclipse-agemo/pub-sub-service:0.1.2, and eclipse-ibeji/invehicle-digital-twin:0.1.1 and adapt this PR accordingly. @ladatz do you intend to have a workflow for building the eclipse-ibeji/invehicle-digital-twin:0.1.0 container too?

ladatz commented 3 months ago

That is great news. I guess it then makes sense to wait for #17 to be merged. We could then run the new workflows for the custom containers mqtt-broker-agemo-config:0.1.2, eclipse-agemo/pub-sub-service:0.1.2, and eclipse-ibeji/invehicle-digital-twin:0.1.1 and adapt this PR accordingly. @ladatz do you intend to have a workflow for building the eclipse-ibeji/invehicle-digital-twin:0.1.0 container too?

Yes there will be a workflow for the final image (freyja), likely PR out today. Then we will have the full in-vehicle stack. The sample applications will also be added

inf17101 commented 1 month ago

A new release of Ankaios is published v0.3.0. We will add a new container image, update the image config in this PR and also adapt the startup state config to support the new features. Then we can get rid of the additional helper workload and start the stuff directly. I have already tested the inter-workload dependencies features last month during development (a separate branch exists on this repo here) and it has worked, but I wanted to check again that all works with the latest changes together in this branch. We will push the changes next week.

inf17101 commented 1 month ago

@ladatz: I have integrated the new Ankaios release. I have tested it locally and it works within the VSCode devcontainer and outside when manually building and using the container.

eriksven commented 1 month ago

@inf17101 we waited with the merge of this PR because the referenced container images were not available in this repository yet. With the merge of #20 this has now been resolves. Do you want to update your PR accordingly?

Are there other blockers that prevent us from merging this PR then? I am asksing because in the first comment it says that the PR should not be merged.

inf17101 commented 1 month ago

@inf17101 we waited with the merge of this PR because the referenced container images were not available in this repository yet. With the merge of #20 this has now been resolves. Do you want to update your PR accordingly?

Are there other blockers that prevent us from merging this PR then? I am asksing because in the first comment it says that the PR should not be merged.

@eriksven, @ladatz: Thank you for your updates. I think we can merge the PR with the initial config when all services are working. I tried on my private Mac quickly because it is already after work. I can see that with the images located at "" as well as the new images built inside the repository "" two services are not coming up. So they failed.

Here a screenshot of the ank-cli:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 20 25 35

Here are the details of the podman logs:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 20 27 23

Maybe we can fix this and then I think we can merge this PR.

@eriksven: I have seen that at the very first conversations I wait for feedback of you. I have fixed some findings previously, but conversation is still open. Maybe you could have a look again? That would be nice. I have also pushed the startupState with the updated new image paths, like you have suggested in the conversations above.

ladatz commented 1 month ago

@inf17101 we waited with the merge of this PR because the referenced container images were not available in this repository yet. With the merge of #20 this has now been resolves. Do you want to update your PR accordingly? Are there other blockers that prevent us from merging this PR then? I am asksing because in the first comment it says that the PR should not be merged.

@eriksven, @ladatz: Thank you for your updates. I think we can merge the PR with the initial config when all services are working. I tried on my private Mac quickly because it is already after work. I can see that with the images located at "" as well as the new images built inside the repository "" two services are not coming up. So they failed.

Here a screenshot of the ank-cli: Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 20 25 35

Here are the details of the podman logs: Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 20 27 23

Maybe we can fix this and then I think we can merge this PR.

@eriksven: I have seen that at the very first conversations I wait for feedback of you. I have fixed some findings previously, but conversation is still open. Maybe you could have a look again? That would be nice.

@inf17101 Thanks for the update, I will pull your branch and take a look at the failing images

ladatz commented 1 month ago

@inf17101 we waited with the merge of this PR because the referenced container images were not available in this repository yet. With the merge of #20 this has now been resolves. Do you want to update your PR accordingly? Are there other blockers that prevent us from merging this PR then? I am asksing because in the first comment it says that the PR should not be merged.

@eriksven, @ladatz: Thank you for your updates. I think we can merge the PR with the initial config when all services are working. I tried on my private Mac quickly because it is already after work. I can see that with the images located at "" as well as the new images built inside the repository "" two services are not coming up. So they failed. Here a screenshot of the ank-cli: Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 20 25 35 Here are the details of the podman logs: Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 20 27 23 Maybe we can fix this and then I think we can merge this PR. @eriksven: I have seen that at the very first conversations I wait for feedback of you. I have fixed some findings previously, but conversation is still open. Maybe you could have a look again? That would be nice.

@inf17101 Thanks for the update, I will pull your branch and take a look at the failing images

@inf17101 I pulled the changes and ran it on a Mac with M1 chip with the eclipse-sdv-blueprints images. All of the services started up. Please make sure you remove any old images that may be dangling, and let me know if you still have issues. services.pdf

inf17101 commented 3 weeks ago

@inf17101 we waited with the merge of this PR because the referenced container images were not available in this repository yet. With the merge of #20 this has now been resolves. Do you want to update your PR accordingly? Are there other blockers that prevent us from merging this PR then? I am asksing because in the first comment it says that the PR should not be merged.

@eriksven, @ladatz: Thank you for your updates. I think we can merge the PR with the initial config when all services are working. I tried on my private Mac quickly because it is already after work. I can see that with the images located at "" as well as the new images built inside the repository "" two services are not coming up. So they failed. Here a screenshot of the ank-cli: Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 20 25 35 Here are the details of the podman logs: Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 20 27 23 Maybe we can fix this and then I think we can merge this PR. @eriksven: I have seen that at the very first conversations I wait for feedback of you. I have fixed some findings previously, but conversation is still open. Maybe you could have a look again? That would be nice.

@inf17101 Thanks for the update, I will pull your branch and take a look at the failing images

@inf17101 I pulled the changes and ran it on a Mac with M1 chip with the eclipse-sdv-blueprints images. All of the services started up. Please make sure you remove any old images that may be dangling, and let me know if you still have issues. services.pdf

Hi @ladatz: I have checked out the repo first times on my Mac M1 on friday (so no dangling images there at all). I have also tried today again and the same two images are failing. I have also tested on my Linux Manjaro and there also Freyja image fails (but only 1 image not 2 like on the Mac). I am still checking what's the issue.

eriksven commented 3 weeks ago

@inf17101 I looked at the current state of the PR and it looks good to me. There was one question to which I responded but it is easy to get lost in the different threads. So let me know if I missed another conversation or question.