eclipse-sdv-blueprints / software-orchestration

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Add Issues Template #6

Closed ladatz closed 1 month ago

ladatz commented 4 months ago

Add a template for different issues types to standardize their format. Open to suggestions for which templates and issue types should be used.

inf17101 commented 4 months ago

I suggest something like the following:

For bug:

## Current behavior
<!--- What is actually happening -->

## Expected behavior
<!--- What shall happen -->

## Steps to Reproduce
<!-- Provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce the bug. -->

## Context
**Services:** <!--- e.g. service discovery, ibeji consumer... -->
**Orchestrator:** <!--- e.g. Ankaios or BlueChi -->
**Container Runtime:** <!--- e.g., Podman -->
**OS/Platform:** <!--- e.g. Linux/amd64 -->

## Additional Information
<!--- Logs or more hints -->

For enhancements:

## Description
<!-- description about what shall be done -->

## Expected outcome
<!-- describe what is expected or not expected at the end -->

## Additional Information
<!-- give more hint about the context, adding attachments -->

## Tasks
<!-- optional for creators, mandatory for contributors to define when working on the issue -->

- [ ] <!-- Task 1 -->
- [ ] ...
ladatz commented 4 months ago

These look good to me

ladatz commented 4 months ago

@inf17101 would you like to raise a PR with these suggestions so that others can review it and add any suggestions?

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

@inf17101 would you like to raise a PR with these suggestions so that others can review it and add any suggestions?

I do not have access rights to commit to a branch. I will write @eriksven.

eriksven commented 3 months ago

@inf17101 you can create a fork of the Eclipse repository, push a branch with your commits to your fork, and then create a PR across forks to propose your changes in the Eclipse repository.

The rights to write to the Eclipse repository are only with the committers.

The changes described in your comments look good to me.

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

@inf17101 you can create a fork of the Eclipse repository, push a branch with your commits to your fork, and then create a PR across forks to propose your changes in the Eclipse repository.

The rights to write to the Eclipse repository are only with the committers.

The changes described in your comments look good to me.

Ok thanks I have opened the PR.

inf17101 commented 3 months ago

@ladatz: Issue can be closed, I do not have the rights to close it.