eclipse-sprotty / sprotty-server

Server implementation for the Sprotty diagramming framework
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testThrowingFullLayout failed #71

Closed AresEkb closed 4 years ago

AresEkb commented 4 years ago


I cloned the repository and initiated a build process gradlew build.

I've got a failed testThrowingFullLayout:

org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...ullPointerException)[
> but was:<...ullPointerException)[]
    at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
    at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
    at org.eclipse.sprotty.DefaultDiagramServerTest.testThrowingFullLayout(

Expected and actual values are trimmed. However I guess that NPE was thrown as expected. The problem is that exception text differs, maybe because of different JDK version.

I tried to change file

Added println(logger.toString) to the end of testThrowingFullLayout and commented out assertEquals. But I can't build the project: Execution failed for task ':org.eclipse.sprotty.layout:generateTestXtext'. caused by java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void'

Could you please help to fix it?

spoenemann commented 4 years ago

Are you working on Windows? If yes I guess it's a line ending issue. Does the test work if you append .trim like this?

    ERROR: Exception while processing ComputedBoundsAction. (java.lang.NullPointerException)
'''.toString.trim, logger.toString.trim)
AresEkb commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the answer! Yes, I use Windows. I can't add trim and test it because in that case I get: Execution failed for task ':org.eclipse.sprotty.layout:generateTestXtext'.

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void'
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.internal.DefaultReentrantTypeResolver.reentrantResolve(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.internal.CompoundReentrantTypeResolver.reentrantResolve(

I don't understand yet how to fix it.

AresEkb commented 4 years ago

Throwables.throwIfUnchecked(java.lang.Throwable) is available in guava since version 20.0.

org.eclipse.sprotty project depends on guava 27.1-jre. I have no idea why the method is unavailable.

spoenemann commented 4 years ago

I have no idea either :-(

AresEkb commented 4 years ago

The same error here: Asked Xtext team:

AresEkb commented 4 years ago

Thanks for help!

You are right. Addition of trim solved the issue.

My 2nd issue with Xtext was caused by JAVA_HOME set to JDK 13. Old version of Xtext doesn't support this JDK. So switching JAVA_HOME to JDK 1.8 solved the error.

The following tests are failed now:


Errors for all tests are similar:

org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<SEdge [[
  sourceId = "g/node0/node0"
  targetId = "g/node1/node0"
  routingPoints = ArrayList (
    Point [
      x = -20.0
      y = 10.0
    Point [
      x = -5.0
      y = 15.0
    Point [
      x = 10.0
      y = 10.0
  selected = false
  type = "edge"
  id = "g/node1/edge1"
]> but was:<SEdge [[
  sourceId = "g/node0/node0"
  targetId = "g/node1/node0"
  routingPoints = ArrayList (
    Point [
      x = -20.0
      y = 10.0
    Point [
      x = -5.0
      y = 15.0
    Point [
      x = 10.0
      y = 10.0
  selected = false
  type = "edge"
  id = "g/node1/edge1"]

The visible difference between the results is the following (maybe line endings are different too):

  id = "g/node1/edge1"
  id = "g/node1/edge1"]
spoenemann commented 4 years ago

Yes, probably the same line ending problem. But if there are line endings in the middle of the string, trim won't help. It could be solved with a utility function like this:

def String toUnixLineEndings(String s) {
    s.replaceAll('\\r\\n', '\\n')

@AresEkb could you try that, and if it helps would you like to create a pull request fixing the tests on Windows?

AresEkb commented 4 years ago

Thanks! All tests are passed now. I created a pull request