Open M-Colley opened 2 years ago
Since our goal is to include all aspects of urban mobility we certainly wish to support such modes as well.
Currently, the best way to model this is to overlay the existing road network with a secondary "air-travel" network that includes each desired flight path as a distinct edge (thereby assuming that different paths do not interact due to dynamic evasions).
To exclude other vehicles from using these flight paths you can use a dedicated vClass (i.e. custom1
You could also make these edges invisible/transparent in sumo-gui for improved optics.
The entities traveling on the flight paths can accommodate schedule-based intermodal routing as well as DRT service with the taxi-device. All you need is busStops with 'access' definitions to attach them to the pedestrian network (similar to how passengers can reach railStops).
The open question is what kind of interactions between aerial entities should be modeled and what kind of environmental effects (wind) shall be included.
@JulianCzymmeck netedit does not have a concept of layers but you can simply add another disconnected network allowing only your new mode (e.g. "custom1", we can rename it later)
Urban Air Mobility (e.g., via Volocopter) is on the rise. This allows the operation of either air-busses or direct flight from one home to another.
If one were to want to include this in SUMO, which would be the best way to do this? The main point being that the routes are highly dynamic and in high altitude...
Does the SUMO team plan to include this as an additional vehicle type in a future release?
Kind regards