eclipse-sumo / sumo

Eclipse SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks. It allows for intermodal simulation including pedestrians and comes with a large set of tools for scenario creation.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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qst about sumo urgent #12993

Closed Y-AMDIAZ closed 1 year ago

Y-AMDIAZ commented 1 year ago

I have a qst about a communication between vehicule on sumo I want to send a message from vehicule to vehicule , (OBU) and how I can make an accident , if the accident is done , automaticaly the vehicule of emergency will run to a place of accident , by using OBU or RSU , so sumo can do that or I should use an other application please

angelobanse commented 1 year ago

How to simulate an accident -> Deliberately causing collisions ->

m-kro commented 1 year ago

Emergency vehicles: ->

Note that you have to reroute the emergency vehicle to the accident location. Whether this is triggered by Car2X messages or some other mechanism depends on your interest in network communication. If you want to model the communication part in detail, then please read about in e.g. on the Veins site. Veins is a combination of sumo and the communication simulation OMNeT++.

Y-AMDIAZ commented 1 year ago

Thanks , So if I use veins I can send message between vehicules ?

behrisch commented 1 year ago

You can always send "messages" between the vehicles by remote controlling them using the traci or libsumo interface. The problem you are trying to solve is probably solvable without veins by just using traci.