eclipse-sumo / sumo

Eclipse SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks. It allows for intermodal simulation including pedestrians and comes with a large set of tools for scenario creation.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Vehicle not entering the intersection #13232

Closed mahbub-iut closed 1 year ago

mahbub-iut commented 1 year ago

In my simulation, In an intersection Sumo vehicle is controlled using the SPaT message through TraCI from OMNeT++. I am setting the following configuration for a vehicle type to ignore red and yellow lights as well as ignore the right of way in the intersection: In the Vehicle type I am setting the following options:

id="mytype1" carFollowModel="KraussPS" vClass="passenger" accel="2.6" emergencyDecel="19.0" decel="9.5" sigma="0.5" jmDriveAfterRedTime="1000.0" jmIgnoreJunctionFoeProb="1" jmIgnoreFoeProb="1" jmDriveAfterYellowTime="1000"

There are two West Bound Through (WBT) lanes and vehicles enter the intersection from only one lane for a couple of seconds and the vehicles in the other lane keep waiting. I am attaching a video of the simulation and a picture of the intersection with all the connections

Youtube link of the simulation:

Here is a link to the intersection connections: If possible, upload an example that shows your problem.

SUMO-version: Version v1.11 operating system: Ubuntu 20.04

m-kro commented 1 year ago

Sumo vehicle is controlled using the SPaT message through TraCI Do you control the movement of vehicles using TraCI or not?

If you don't control speed/position of the vehicles using TraCI and you can reproduce the problem with sumo v1.17, then please attach the zipped sumo scenario here for further investigation.

mahbub-iut commented 1 year ago

@m-kro Thank you for the response. I am not controlling the speed or position, I just set a stop on the vehicle based on the SPaT message. I set a stop for the remaining red time and once the SPaT signal is green I just resume the vehicle. From other directions, it's working absolutely fine without any issues. It's just the WBT movement acting weird.

I have added a device in Sumo for storing the SPaT message and it's a Co-Simulation with OMNeT++ and its frameworks with lots of modules communicating with each other. Not sure if it will be feasible to give you the scenario. I will try to recreate the scenario only with TraCI and will just try to post it here.

namdre commented 1 year ago
mahbub-iut commented 1 year ago

"The vehicle signals (left and right at the same time) indicate that these vehicles are still stopped" --but as in the attached picture ( when I saw the vehicle parameters for vehicle 595 (vehicle that is on the stop line of 2nd WBT lane) it shows no stops and also in the error log you can see an error that vehicle 595 can not resume as it doesn't have any stop. I am not sure if this vehicle is yielding right of way to other vehicles even though for all vehicles i set the flags that I mentioned in my first comment

namdre commented 1 year ago

it would help if you could circle vehicle 595 or enable rendering of vehicle ids.

mahbub-iut commented 1 year ago

I guess it had something to do with the right of way of the vehicles in the intersection and that's why the vehicle waited there for some time and then started again a bit later. I set the speedMode with a value of 32 for turning off all the checking. But still, I see the vehicle doing a bit of braking just before entering the intersection if there is a leader vehicle in the internal link of the intersection the vehicle is about to enter. Is this normal?

namdre commented 1 year ago

speedmode only takes effect while the vehicle speed is user-controlled by setSpeed or slowDown. While under user speed control, no braking is expected at mode 32 after version 1.10.0

mahbub-iut commented 1 year ago

@namdre Thanks for your reply. I have used the setSpeed() along with speed mode . I have assigned green to all the phases and only stop the vehicles when it receives red from the SPaT message and just resume the vehicle with the resume command when SpaT is green. I set a speed and set speedmode so that the vehicle ignores all vehicles in and out of the intersection. However, if there is a leader vehicle in the internal lane the following vehicle's speed becomes zero and then it enters the intersection and gradually accelerates. If there is no leader vehicle in the internal lane it maintains its speed and goes through the intersection. I tried with different speed mode values like 7,32,55,54 and 39. It's always the same case

namdre commented 1 year ago

can you provide the input files to the scenario and a log of all traci commands (as explained here: Also the time step and vehicle id that I should look at.

mahbub-iut commented 1 year ago

It's a huge simulation with thousands of vehicles co-simulating with Veins and Simu5G. I will try to see if I can recreate the scenario with only traci. In the meantime, I will also update the Sumo version to the recent one. Thanks

m-kro commented 1 year ago

Closing due to inactivity. Please feel free to post here again if you have news...

barkhabaheti commented 1 year ago

hey can you help me i want a running example for omnet sumo and veins simulator. thank you in advance.

behrisch commented 12 months ago

@barkhabaheti Please do not post below unrelated issues. The Veins tutorial is here: