eclipse-sw360 / sw360

SW360 project
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Security Vulnerability issue for 22 package and upgrade solution from recent Google's OSV scanner #1786

Open dineshr93 opened 1 year ago

dineshr93 commented 1 year ago


I performed the vulnerability scan on sw360 via microsoft sbom and feeding the spdx to Google's osv scanner and we found 16 packages security vulnerabilities

The github security may not be flagging this becuase it may not be build aware (tracking direct and indirect dependencies via pom.xml files). I used micrsoft sbom to produce build aware sboms which pulls out indirect dependencies as well and from that these new vulnerabilities are flagged.

So my suggestion is we need to configure build aware tools -> like microsoft sboms and use googles osv in the CT pipeline. Let me know if you need help on this

How to reproduce

microsoft_sbom generate -b . -bc . -pn $(basename `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`) -pv $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) -ps Eclipse -nsb -v Verbose && osv --sbom _manifest/spdx_2.2/manifest.spdx.json --json


vulnerablity list ![image](

google_osv --sbom _manifest/spdx_2.2/manifest.spdx.json --json>vuln.json

 jq ".results[0].packages[]|{package,vulnerabilities} | [,.package.version ,[.vulnerabilities[].id], [.vulnerabilities[].affected[].ranges[].events[]]]" vuln.json > vuln_resolution_list.json


File vuln_resolution_list.json ```js [ "bcprov-jdk15on", "1.64", [ "GHSA-6xx3-rg99-gc3p" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.66" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.66" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.66" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.66" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.66" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.66" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.66" } ] ] [ "snakeyaml", "1.27", [ "GHSA-3mc7-4q67-w48m", "GHSA-98wm-3w3q-mw94", "GHSA-9w3m-gqgf-c4p9", "GHSA-c4r9-r8fh-9vj2", "GHSA-hhhw-99gj-p3c3", "GHSA-mjmj-j48q-9wg2", "GHSA-w37g-rhq8-7m4j" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.31" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.31" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.32" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.31" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.31" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "last_affected": "1.30" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.32" } ] ] [ "jetty-http", "9.4.20.v20190813", [ "GHSA-cj7v-27pg-wf7q" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "9.4.47" }, { "introduced": "10.0.0" }, { "fixed": "10.0.10" }, { "introduced": "11.0.0" }, { "fixed": "11.0.10" } ] ] [ "jetty-io", "9.4.20.v20190813", [ "GHSA-26vr-8j45-3r4w" ], [ { "introduced": "7.2.2" }, { "fixed": "9.4.39" }, { "introduced": "10.0.0" }, { "fixed": "10.0.2" }, { "introduced": "11.0.0" }, { "fixed": "11.0.2" } ] ] [ "jsoup", "1.14.2", [ "GHSA-gp7f-rwcx-9369" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.15.3" } ] ] [ "spring-core", "5.3.18", [ "GHSA-g5mm-vmx4-3rg7", "GHSA-hh26-6xwr-ggv7", "GHSA-rqph-vqwm-22vc" ], [ { "introduced": "5.3.0" }, { "fixed": "5.3.19" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "5.2.21" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "5.2.22.RELEASE" }, { "introduced": "5.3.0" }, { "fixed": "5.3.20" }, { "introduced": "5.3.0" }, { "fixed": "5.3.20" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "5.2.22.RELEASE" } ] ] [ "json-smart", "2.3", [ "GHSA-v528-7hrm-frqp" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.3.2" }, { "introduced": "2.4.0" }, { "fixed": "2.4.1" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.3.2" }, { "introduced": "2.0.0" }, { "fixed": "2.3.1" } ] ] [ "jetty-webapp", "9.4.20.v20190813", [ "GHSA-g3wg-6mcf-8jj6" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "9.4.33" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "9.4.33" }, { "introduced": "10.0.0.beta1" }, { "fixed": "10.0.0.beta3" }, { "introduced": "10.0.0.beta1" }, { "fixed": "10.0.0.beta3" }, { "introduced": "11.0.0.beta1" }, { "fixed": "11.0.0.beta3" }, { "introduced": "11.0.0.beta1" }, { "fixed": "11.0.0.beta3" } ] ] [ "http2-server", "9.4.20.v20190813", [ "GHSA-wgmr-mf83-7x4j" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "9.4.47" }, { "introduced": "10.0.0" }, { "fixed": "10.0.10" }, { "introduced": "11.0.0" }, { "fixed": "11.0.10" } ] ] [ "spring-web", "5.3.18", [ "GHSA-4wrc-f8pq-fpqp" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "6.0.0" } ] ] [ "jetty-server", "9.4.20.v20190813", [ "GHSA-86wm-rrjm-8wh8", "GHSA-m394-8rww-3jr7", "GHSA-m6cp-vxjx-65j6" ], [ { "introduced": "9.4.0" }, { "fixed": "9.4.35.v20201120" }, { "introduced": "9.4.6" }, { "fixed": "9.4.37" }, { "introduced": "10.0.0" }, { "fixed": "10.0.1" }, { "introduced": "11.0.0" }, { "fixed": "11.0.1" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "9.4.41" }, { "introduced": "10.0.0" }, { "fixed": "10.0.3" }, { "introduced": "11.0.0" }, { "fixed": "11.0.3" } ] ] [ "httpclient", "4.5.6", [ "GHSA-7r82-7xv7-xcpj" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "4.5.13" }, { "introduced": "5.0.0" }, { "fixed": "5.0.3" } ] ] [ "commons-text", "1.9", [ "GHSA-599f-7c49-w659" ], [ { "introduced": "1.5" }, { "fixed": "1.10.0" } ] ] [ "kotlin-stdlib", "1.3.61", [ "GHSA-2qp4-g3q3-f92w", "GHSA-cqj8-47ch-rvvq" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.6.0" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.4.21" } ] ] [ "httpclient", "4.3", [ "GHSA-7r82-7xv7-xcpj", "GHSA-cfh5-3ghh-wfjx", "GHSA-fmj5-wv96-r2ch", "GHSA-pqwh-44jj-p5rm" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "4.5.13" }, { "introduced": "5.0.0" }, { "fixed": "5.0.3" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "4.3.5" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "4.3.6" }, { "introduced": "4.3" }, { "fixed": "4.3.1" } ] ] [ "spring-data-rest-core", "3.6.3", [ "GHSA-fv7x-v67w-cvqv" ], [ { "introduced": "3.6.0" }, { "fixed": "3.6.7" }, { "introduced": "3.7.0" }, { "fixed": "3.7.3" } ] ] [ "snakeyaml", "1.29", [ "GHSA-3mc7-4q67-w48m", "GHSA-98wm-3w3q-mw94", "GHSA-9w3m-gqgf-c4p9", "GHSA-c4r9-r8fh-9vj2", "GHSA-hhhw-99gj-p3c3", "GHSA-mjmj-j48q-9wg2", "GHSA-w37g-rhq8-7m4j" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.31" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.31" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.32" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.31" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.31" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "last_affected": "1.30" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "1.32" } ] ] [ "woodstox-core", "6.2.4", [ "GHSA-3f7h-mf4q-vrm4" ], [ { "introduced": "6.0.0" }, { "fixed": "6.4.0" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "5.4.0" } ] ] [ "spring-core", "5.3.19", [ "GHSA-hh26-6xwr-ggv7", "GHSA-rqph-vqwm-22vc" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "5.2.22.RELEASE" }, { "introduced": "5.3.0" }, { "fixed": "5.3.20" }, { "introduced": "5.3.0" }, { "fixed": "5.3.20" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "5.2.22.RELEASE" } ] ] [ "spring-security-core", "5.6.2", [ "GHSA-hh32-7344-cg2f", "GHSA-mmmh-wcxm-2wr4", "GHSA-wx54-3278-m5g4" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "5.5.7" }, { "introduced": "5.6.0" }, { "fixed": "5.6.4" }, { "introduced": "5.7.0" }, { "fixed": "5.7.5" }, { "introduced": "5.6.0" }, { "fixed": "5.6.9" }, { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "5.5.7" }, { "introduced": "5.6.0" }, { "fixed": "5.6.4" } ] ] [ "spring-web", "5.3.19", [ "GHSA-4wrc-f8pq-fpqp" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "6.0.0" } ] ] [ "jetty-servlets", "9.4.20.v20190813", [ "GHSA-gwcr-j4wh-j3cq" ], [ { "introduced": "0" }, { "fixed": "9.4.41" }, { "introduced": "10.0.0" }, { "fixed": "10.0.3" }, { "introduced": "11.0.0" }, { "fixed": "11.0.3" } ] ] ```


dineshr93 commented 1 year ago

To track the vulnerability present in indirect dependencies we can use mvn:dependencies output shore here dependencies.txt

dineshr93 commented 1 year ago

SPDX SBOM for sw360 847ebac manifest.spdx.json.txt

heliocastro commented 1 year ago

@dineshr93 There's something really strange at this report. One of the lines mention kotlin-stdlib, which is not used at all as a direct dependency or used at all in SW360. Can you explain that one until we start to chase ghosts ?

heliocastro commented 1 year ago

@dineshr93 To answer properly, the only related dependency is http-support that usees ktling on third level after okhttp Please fix this list on direct dependencies. We can't simply fix all transient dependencies

dineshr93 commented 1 year ago

@dineshr93 To answer properly, the only related dependency is http-support that usees ktling on third level after okhttp Please fix this list on direct dependencies. We can't simply fix all transient dependencies


The direct dependencies are marked in star-dotted lines with text "DIRECT" as shown in above screenshot Find the updated text file dependencies_Segregated_with_start_lines.txt

There are still more than you mentioned and most are repeated as well especially spdx tools and its dependencies.

exactly below are the direct dependencies that needs to be udpated

1. org.ektorp:org.ektorp:jar:1.5.0:compile
2. org.spdx:tools-java:jar:1.1.0:compile
2. org.spdx:tools-java:jar:1.1.0:test
3. org.springframework:spring-beans:jar:5.3.19:compile
4. org.springframework:spring-webmvc:jar:5.3.19:compile
5. org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:jar:2.6.6:compile
8. com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:jar:4.3.1:compile
9. com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock-jre8:jar:2.26.0:test
dineshr93 commented 1 year ago
  1. org.ektorp:org.ektorp:jar issue filed
  2. tools-java 113 is latest as of today. it resolves some vuln
  3. spring-beans:jar latest non vuln version available
  4. spring-webmvc:jar latest non vulnerable available in
  5. spring-boot-starter-web non vulnerable available in
  6. spring-security-oauth2
  7. spring-security-jwt no new version available and is deptecated
  8. okhttp3 latest available in
  9. wiremock-jre8 latest available in