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Obligations: Alignment with OSADL and OSLC #513

Closed mcjaeger closed 2 years ago

mcjaeger commented 5 years ago

(from discussion) existing data model should be aligned with the obligation data from these two sources.


KoukiHama commented 4 years ago


I would like to develop this feature.

So my question is: what does OSLC stand for?

Is OSDAL correct in the following link?

Thanks Hama

KoukiHama commented 4 years ago

I found this pdf. OSLC stand for Open Source License Compliance.

This is also good resource for importing license info.

tienlee commented 3 years ago

@KoukiHama @mcjaeger

I would like to share the GUI and activity diagram.

Currently, I am implementing this feature following them. Next week, I will do the test and create a pull request.

Could you please help me to check and let me know your feedback?

Thanks and Best regards, TienL Import_OSADL_Licenses_Activity_Diagram.pdf

mcjaeger commented 3 years ago

@tienlee awesome! looks Ok for me. Please check that we have added to the sw360 (license) obligation data model a new field "external id" which could be used in this case to store a reference to the OSADL coordinates of that obligation. By this, your synchronisation steps could be supported.

tienlee commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your comment. Before, I plan to add a new field to the sw360 (license) obligation data model to store OSADL type. With your comment, I will use "external id" field. For example: "externalIds": { "OSADL-Obligation-URL": "" },

mcjaeger commented 3 years ago

but pls consider the code status on latest master, maybe it will be complicated when doing this on tagged version 11 ...

tienlee commented 3 years ago

OK, I will consider it.

Currently, we are testing this feature. We got an issue when the internet speed is slow, the front end will be timeout, although the backend is in-progress to sync the data from

Do you have any experience or suggestion for this case?

KoukiHama commented 3 years ago

This is the image of license obligations which sw360 import from OSDAL. @mcjaeger What do you think about this?

If you have any ideas on how to display OSDAL information more clearly, please let me know.

MicrosoftTeams-image (2)

mcjaeger commented 3 years ago

Hello @KoukiHama that looks great. A quick idea could would be to make it two entries. (one for copyright notice, one of license text)

Also to import the obligation, maybe the Obligation title could be justth eline, so it can be reused between different licenses that share the same obligation. Otherwiese, if you have the ntp license, you will also have the same record, but checking on a project level will lead to checking a lot of same obligations.

So proposal could be:

  1. Obligation: title "You must forward or provide copyright notices", Obligation text: "USER CASE Source code OR Binary. You must forward or provide copyright notices"
  2. Obligation: title "You must forward or provide license text", Obligation text: "USE CASE Source code OR Binary. You must forward or provide license text"

So, this obligation record can be linked to many licenses...

KoukiHama commented 3 years ago

@mcjaeger Thank-you for good idea.

Our Image show MIT license case

Other Licenses would be more complicated.

But, maybe, other license is also handled by your idea.

For example : LGPL2.1

We should ignore some license obligation info in complicated licenses such as Comatibility in LGPL2.1-only.txt as first step. But these results will be helpful for users, even if sw360 does not show all OSDAL license info.

KoukiHama commented 3 years ago

Now I consider how to show LGPL 2.1 obligation from OSDAL.

if we use @mcjaeger 's proposal directly, we need to make obligation which have same title but different text obligation.

I agree that one obligation record should be linked to many licenses.

So I think, as first step, we should make obligations about only YOU MUST or YOU MUST NOT in each license text by OSDAL texts.

(I think "USE CASE" or other "IF" requirement are also important, but we should consider them in next step. )

For example, MIT license has 2 obligations

Apache2 has these obligation and more.

LGPL 2.1 has these obligation and more.

NTL has these obligations

PYTHON2.0 has these obligations

By ignoring the complicated conditions, sw360 can link some common obligations for each license.

If we do this, the text and title might as well be the same.

Also, to avoid misleading users, information imported from OSDAL should be able to display its URL somewhere like SPDX links.

quan-tv commented 3 years ago

Dear @mcjaeger @KoukiHama,

This is my idea about the obligation:

KoukiHama commented 3 years ago

@quan-tv Your idea is better than my tentative idea!

quan-tv commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I and my colleague are working on parsing OSADL information from

We are facing a problem with parsing the obligation. In the last telco, I already explained about the structure of an obligation: [Language element] + [Action] + [Object]

For example:

Obligation: YOU MUST NOT Use "Apache" [ex. "Jakarta," "Apache," or "Apache Commons,"] in product name

Obligation: YOU MUST Credit Verbatim In Documentation "This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ("

While the 'Language element' can be pre-defined (at this moment, we noticed that there are only 2 values: YOU MUST and YOU MUST NOT), it is quite difficult to parse the Action and Object because they are free text. We came up with below solutions (none of them is perfect):

So, if you have any other idea, could you please share with us?

quan-tv commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I would like to continue with the design solution for OSADL information.

// I may need to break into multiple comments because wall of text.

Back to my previous comments about the 2 terms related to obligation:

At this moment, SW360 already got a object named 'Obligation', but the meaning/purpose of this SW360 is the same meaning as 'License obligation' above. We should have 2 solutions here:

Solution 1 doesn't require to update SW360 much, but the 2 new names doesn't reflex the meaning well. Solution 2 requires update the all the implemented source code related to Obligation.

I myself prefer the solution 2, because changing the name is not a difficult task, even though re-testing is still needed. But in case the re-testing effort is huge, we need to consider.

Could you please let me know your idea about this?

Thank you very much!

quan-tv commented 3 years ago

Next is parsing OSADL information. This is my proposal for solving this issue:


Obligation text from OSADL will be parsed and displayed this screen.

quan-tv commented 3 years ago

For creating License Obligation, a new screen will replace the current screen of adding Obligation.

USE CASE Source code delivery
    YOU MUST Provide Copyright notice
        ATTRIBUTE Highlighted
        ATTRIBUTE Appropriately
    IF Software modification
        YOU MUST Grant License
USE CASE Binary delivery

The corresponding screen is like: image

quan-tv commented 3 years ago

By the way, I have a question. I notice that there is no 'Edit' function of Obligation in current SW360. I wonder if this is the intention when design the system or just a missing feature?

If case if it is a missing feature, I and my colleagues would like to implement it.

quan-tv commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

About this comment of mine about the terms related to Obligation:

We should have 2 solutions here:

  • Rename the 2 terms to make it fit with current SW360:
    • Obligation -> Obligation Element
    • License Obligation -> Obligation
  • Rename current SW360 object:
    • Obligation -> License Obligation

After deeper investigation about current SW360 system, I found out that the term 'License Obligation' was used for 'Obligation Level', so I'm afraid that the solution 2 is not feasible.

So, should we follow the solution 1?

KoukiHama commented 3 years ago

I see. Sw360 have already used "License Obligation". So, I think only solution 1 is good.

mcjaeger commented 3 years ago

By the way, I have a question. I notice that there is no 'Edit' function of Obligation in current SW360. I wonder if this is the intention when design the system or just a missing feature?

If case if it is a missing feature, I and my colleagues would like to implement

We thought that once obliugations are there, they should not be changed after wards. Maybe some text type correction. Bu tthe problem is when you edit an existing oibligation how to follow later if an obligation was covered by the product?

However, I think the obligation data is copied to the project for preserving what is considered b the projects (I do not remember exactly anymore). So the obligation text in the main database could be edited in fact.

mcjaeger commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I would like to continue with the design solution for OSADL information.

// I may need to break into multiple comments because wall of text.

Back to my previous comments about the 2 terms related to obligation:

  • Obligation: one particular thing user need to follow when using the OSS.
  • License Obligation: a set of obligations, also with the context provided (context is 'USE CASE', 'IF', ..) One obligation can be linked to multiple license obligation. But one license obligation can only be linked to one specific license.

At this moment, SW360 already got a object named 'Obligation', but the meaning/purpose of this SW360 is the same meaning as 'License obligation' above. We should have 2 solutions here:

  • Rename the 2 terms to make it fit with current SW360:

    • Obligation -> Obligation Element
    • License Obligation -> Obligation
  • Rename current SW360 object:

    • Obligation -> License Obligation

Solution 1 doesn't require to update SW360 much, but the 2 new names doesn't reflex the meaning well. Solution 2 requires update the all the implemented source code related to Obligation.

I myself prefer the solution 2, because changing the name is not a difficult task, even though re-testing is still needed. But in case the re-testing effort is huge, we need to consider.

Could you please let me know your idea about this?

Thank you very much!

I think the idea was not to have a container kind of type, but to have a type hierarchy. There shall be the super type Obligationwhere the sub types inheriting from that are

For the OSADL obligations we need probably license obligations, because all of them refer to a license.

KoukiHama commented 2 years ago

This is good matrix for updating sw360's OSDAL function. For example, Alert function if license compatibility have problrm.

quan-tv commented 2 years ago

Dear all, We are working to implement new functions of Obligation management:

Here are some screen shots of these functions:

Actually, the implementation was completed, we are in testing phase.

I hope that these functions will be ready soon.

KoukiHama commented 2 years ago

Lets continue to discussion about Import OSLC

arunazhakesan commented 2 years ago

PR is merged.