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Add catalog integration test #191

Closed iwangjintian closed 2 months ago

iwangjintian commented 2 months ago

Hello haishi, I met with this problem when I create a catalog with schema field specified. Catalog in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Catalog: strict decoding error: unknown field "spec.metadata"

Here's the catalog: apiVersion: federation.symphony/v1 kind: Catalog metadata: name: config spec:
siteId: hq type: config name: config metadata: schema: schema properties: email: ""

I checked the k8s catalog model, it seems to be on purepose.

However, i also see a sample catalog yaml file with schema specified, This confuses me.

So shall we support this case? I commented the test cases for the time being

Haishi2016 commented 2 months ago

This should be a regression when we merged metadata into ObjectMeta. I think the Metadata field of the CatalogSpec should be restored.