eclipse-symphony / symphony

Symphony project
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Symphony automatically unwraps the first-level properties when creating configmap #202

Open Haishi2016 opened 1 month ago

Haishi2016 commented 1 month ago

If a catalog has a complex type at root like
complex_object: foo1: bar1 foo2: bar2 The object is unwrapped and only foo1 and foo2 and sent to configmap. Desired behavior is that the properties are kept as they are.

Haishi2016 commented 1 month ago

After discussion, the behavior would be if a property is post-fixed with "/", we'll extract and return the properties under the property. Otherwise, the property is returned as is. Hence, in the above example, "complex_object/" will return "foo1" and "foo2", while "complex_object" returns the object itself.