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instance deployed and targets field could be confusing in target deletion scenario #332

Open RemindD opened 2 months ago

RemindD commented 2 months ago

In instances CRD, "Targets" field indicates how many targets involve in the solution deployment defined by this instance. And "Deployed" field indicates how many targets succeeded in the solution deployment in this round.

These two should always be the same in Create or Update scenario if the deployment succeeded. However, if any target is removed from the instance, “Deployed" field could be greater than "Targets" field like the figure below. This is because "Targets" is the target count in the new state but "Deployed" counts all the targets in mergedState. image

We should define four variables to make it clear Name meaning
"New Targets" original "Targets"
"New successful Targets" new targets that's in desired state
"Targets touched" total targets touched in this deployment
"Targets successfully touched" total targets run deployment successfully

For example, originally there are 5 targets bind with instance and now a change to delete 2 target from instance while another 1 target is added. Then we expect the above values to be 4, 4, 3, 3 in success scenario.

msftcoderdjw commented 1 month ago

DEPLOYED means N target has applications deployed. And put the detailed info in status. @RemindD please have a check in target deletion case for detailed status.