eclipse-theia / theia

Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Theia breaks when multiple instances are opened #14568

Open ReasonSharp opened 5 days ago

ReasonSharp commented 5 days ago

Bug Description:

When opening multiple instances of Theia (i.e. one for the backend and one for the frontend project), the first opened instance breaks - many functionalities stop working. The ones I noticed are search for references to methods (the references list opens but is empty even though there are references to the method), and the about window doesn't open.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Start up the system.
  2. Open first instance of Theia (on my machine a workspace opens automatically on Theia startup, this could be relevant; also, I'm running Theia using the AppImage).
  3. Open second instance of Theia (no workspace opens in this instance).
  4. Select a different workspace to work on in the second instance.
  5. Go back to first instance and search for references to a method you know you use.
  6. Try opening the About window from the Help menu.


After step 4 above, close first instance of Theia and open a new one. There open the workspace that was opened originally in the first instance. Both instances of Theia should now work properly.

Additional Information

Extensions I use (if relevant):

@theia/ai-chat 1.55.0 @theia/ai-chat-ui 1.55.0 @theia/ai-code-completion 1.55.0 @theia/ai-core 1.55.0 @theia/ai-history 1.55.0 @theia/ai-llamafile 1.55.0 @theia/ai-ollama 1.55.0 @theia/ai-openai 1.55.0 @theia/ai-terminal 1.55.0 @theia/ai-workspace-agent 1.55.0 @theia/bulk-edit 1.55.0 @theia/callhierarchy 1.55.0 @theia/collaboration 1.55.0 @theia/console 1.55.0 @theia/core 1.55.0 @theia/debug 1.55.0 @theia/dev-container 1.55.0 @theia/editor 1.55.0 @theia/editor-preview 1.55.0 @theia/electron 1.55.0 @theia/external-terminal 1.55.0 @theia/file-search 1.55.0 @theia/filesystem 1.55.0 @theia/getting-started 1.55.0 @theia/keymaps 1.55.0 @theia/markers 1.55.0 @theia/memory-inspector 1.55.0 @theia/messages 1.55.0 @theia/metrics 1.55.0 @theia/mini-browser 1.55.0 @theia/monaco 1.55.0 @theia/navigator 1.55.0 @theia/notebook 1.55.0 @theia/outline-view 1.55.0 @theia/output 1.55.0 @theia/plugin-dev 1.55.0 @theia/plugin-ext 1.55.0 @theia/plugin-ext-vscode 1.55.0 @theia/preferences 1.55.0 @theia/preview 1.55.0 @theia/process 1.55.0 @theia/property-view 1.55.0 @theia/remote 1.55.0 @theia/scm 1.55.0 @theia/search-in-workspace 1.55.0 @theia/secondary-window 1.55.0 @theia/task 1.55.0 @theia/terminal 1.55.0 @theia/test 1.55.0 @theia/timeline 1.55.0 @theia/toolbar 1.55.0 @theia/typehierarchy 1.55.0 @theia/userstorage 1.55.0 @theia/variable-resolver 1.55.0 @theia/vsx-registry 1.55.0 @theia/workspace 1.55.0 theia-ide-launcher-ext 1.55.0 theia-ide-product-ext 1.55.0 theia-ide-updater-ext 1.55.0

JonasHelming commented 2 days ago


tsmaeder commented 2 days ago

This sounds a lot like we're really starting a second electron process. In Theia IDE, this should not happen, we should be opening a second window for the first started instance. @ReasonSharp are you using Theia IDE as downloaded from the Eclipse page or are you building your own application?