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Open files view by default? #2005

Closed travis1111 closed 6 years ago

travis1111 commented 6 years ago

Hi, as mentioned in this post:

We would like to display something one the user opens up the editor the very first time. For example the Files Tree view at the left. Currently both files and git views are closed.

We saw this commit:

So I guess what I need to do is to extend this: frontend-application.ts, and override method createDefaultLayout, is that correct?

If yes, so in that method, open up the files view? how?


svenefftinge commented 6 years ago

You can inject the FileNavigatorContribution and then call

        activate: true
donalod commented 6 years ago

Howdy, have been looking around related issues for default view (and wish it was in settings.json somewhow!) + pls. excuse my ignorance, am trying to implement the above as mentioned (I'd really like the terminal open too but that's next!). Is this injected via import at the top of the file and then referenced in @injectable as per a version of my attempts below as am failing trying multiple ways in frontend-application.ts and then rebuilding. Still getting an empty workspace.

export class FrontendApplication {
    @inject(FileNavigatorContribution) protected readonly browser: NavigatorContribution


    protected async createDefaultLayout(): Promise<void> {
        for (const initializer of this.contributions.getContributions()) {
            if (initializer.initializeLayout) {
                await initializer.initializeLayout(this);
                /* Donal trying to add the default open.View */
                  activate: true

Note: I am snapping a linux container off a gold image running theia and it won't even preserve the gold image workspace/layout (hence my focus on the createDefaultLayout or associated initialisation). Also guessing it's using a session based off the hostname, client agent, IP as layout using browser Local Storage for theia:/ideaccess/10010/:file:///home/candidate/projectA:layout and I can't get it to replicate gold image nor open fresh default view with files and terminal, what am I goofing above?

bobbyz007 commented 5 years ago

You can inject the FileNavigatorContribution and then call

        activate: true

FileNavigatorContribution can not be imported by other packages.
This works:;

IPvSean commented 4 years ago

@donalod did you ever figure out how to open a default directory view and keep the terminal open?

donalod commented 4 years ago

@IPvSean negative, I sank too much time and was not familiar enough with it, so I bailed unfortunately. Sorry I don't have better news.

IPvSean commented 4 years ago

hahaha that is where I am @donalod , exact same problem and I wasted too much time on this already, this is where I gave up for sure->

akosyakov commented 4 years ago

@donalod Could you post a question on the community page ( and provide a github repo with what you were able to achieve? Positing on a closed issue does not help, no one will see it.

rubenanapu commented 2 years ago

The solution implemented in the link below worked for me:

If the link above goes down, the solution consists of basically modifying the theia/packages/navigator/src/browser/navigator-contribution.ts file, more specifically initializeLayout method.

It was changed from this:

async initializeLayout(app: FrontendApplication): Promise<void> {
        await this.openView();

to this:

async initializeLayout(app: FrontendApplication): Promise<void> {
        // Reveal 'Files' view when opening a workspace for the first time
        // See:
        await this.openView({ activate: true, reveal: true });