eclipse-theia / theia

Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
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Some files has missing syntax highlighting #2306

Closed sr229 closed 6 years ago

sr229 commented 6 years ago

Usually some of this files in VSCode has Syntax Highlighting already:

Theia does not have any syntax highlighting of sorts.

marcdumais-work commented 6 years ago


What have you been testing-with? With the example application built from master, there should be highlighting for at least HTML, from the list above.

This was added recently, along with coloring for a few other languages, in the new @theia/textmate-grammars extension. Markdown should be covered but maybe is not working correctly - I see barely any color; except in the label part of links: image

Dockerfile is not covered yet, I think.

@theia/textmate-grammars has not released in latest version on npm, but is available as next. It has also not been added yet to the docker images in theia-ide/theia-apps.

marcdumais-work commented 6 years ago

I see that .yml files have some coloring but not a lot - probably a bug. Also another important file type is not covered yet: JSON.

update: JSON has its own LS in this extension:

sr229 commented 6 years ago

@marcdumais-work I'll try updating my image to reflect this, but #2307 seems to be recurrent

svenefftinge commented 6 years ago

I see that .yml files have some coloring but not a lot - probably a bug.

This is fixed now. Closing, as the rest was theia-apps related.